Indoor plants that bring happiness and good luck to the house

6.11.2018 Flowers


Experienced gardeners know that there are indoor plants that bring happiness and good luck to the house. Superstition is this or verified truth, no one will say for sure. It is only known that the energy of certain plants has a beneficial effect on the climate in the house. Beautiful flowers will attract wealth in exchange for proper, caring care.

Flowers for a romantic mood

Most often, beginner and experienced flower growers prefer to buy plants for themselves, attracting harmony into the house, family well-being. You should know the rules for caring for them, so that green assistants not only purify the air, produce oxygen, but also fill everything around with positive energy.


The flower, called “Feminine Happiness,” according to legend, is filled with the warmth and love that the goddess Aphrodite felt for Ares. The plant was ordered to look after a mortal woman, and for her work she received a reward from the goddess - female happiness. It is customary to give the plant to young girls who dream of creating a family.

The energy of the plant helps to find a loved one. It is believed that a woman will soon successfully marry, a child will be born in the family. Spathiphyllum spreads a peaceful atmosphere around, helping to achieve harmony between the spouses. He will reciprocate and will help the woman if she treats him with love and care.


It is believed that the Chinese rose fills the atmosphere in the house with love and burning passion. Residents of India believe that this flower, woven into a wreath for honeymooners, will help maintain the heat of love for many years of marriage. There is a contrary opinion that the energy of a flower attracts different men to its mistress and does not allow finding one chosen one.

The flower of death is another name for hibiscus. It is believed that as soon as the flower blossoms in the wrong period, it warns of death, a disease of a family member.


Oxygen - this is the customary name for this original and attractive flower. His energy draws love into the house. It is better that the flower was not bought, but donated by a relative. An acidic atmosphere fills the atmosphere around with vibes of romance. The plant will bring good luck to families where there has long been no spark of passion. Kislitsa will become a good helper in family affairs, attract wealth, but you need to take care of it correctly. The flower does not tolerate high temperatures, excess moisture.


Among flower growers, the plant received the name "Tree of Love." Fleshy leaves resemble hearts in shape. The flower is moody, you need to constantly monitor it, fertilize it. With the right approach, his energy will attract well-being, harmony to the house. Aichrison can pamper the owners with its small yellow, red flowers. It is necessary to ensure that there are no dry shoots in the pot, otherwise the well-being involved will leave the house.


A real talisman for a man is anthurium. Bright, red flowers, the original texture does not allow the plant to remain in the shade. It is important for him to get the right amount of light and heat. Anthurium pleases with its flowers no more than 3 times a year. It is believed that the appearance of these rich shoots indicates that sincere love lives in the house. When the plant does not bloom, it's time to think about family relationships, to change something for the better.

Violet for peace of mind in the shower

The state of psychological comfort is important for a person. Familiar people help relieve stress violets. They literally “absorb” the negative accumulating around, helping to find a way out of deadlocks. Before acquiring a green “anti-stress”, you need to know about the features of its colors:

  • white violets are suitable for families with small children;
  • Violets absorb the negative energy in the house best of all;
  • blue ones become an incentive for human creative growth;
  • pink violets will help those who decide to lose weight.

There is another opinion about violets. They say they do not allow a woman to get married. However, many gardeners who have happy families and are engaged in the cultivation of this plant do not agree with this sign.

At night violets emit carbon dioxide, in the room where the person is resting, there should not be more than 15 pots with them, otherwise the headache is provided the next morning.

Stress cyclamen

The familiar cyclamen fills the atmosphere around with calm. It is believed that it normalizes nighttime sleep, drives away nightmares. A man fully rests at night, and during the day he is filled with strength for new achievements. It is known that cyclamen is able to attract material well-being, but, of course, for this you need to make efforts yourself. Proper plant care strengthens mental and physical health.

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Flowers that protect against conflicts in the house

A correctly selected plant will allow spouses to achieve mutual understanding, smooth out sharp corners. Myrtle will best cope with this task. A flower often becomes a wedding present for a young family. He must maintain the fire of love, fill the atmosphere with warmth. Myrtle leaves are suitable for preparing balms, tinctures, it is worth looking for original recipes for a family dinner.

Another helper for finding mutual understanding between spouses is chlorophytum. Its green leaves well cleanse the air of pathogenic bacteria. The flower has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it. It is desirable to bring chlorophytum to a new home, buy after repair. With his appearance, space is filled with comfort, and prosperity comes to the house.

Flowers for success and career growth

For many, happiness lies in the realization of internal ambitions, achieving success in work. An attractive flower with large green leaves and red veins is an arrowroot. As soon as it is brought into the house, the energy of the plant begins to work for the benefit of all who care about it. To ambitious careerists, he helps rise to new heights. Maranta facilitates the perception of new information at work, pushes to receive a second education. Maranta attracts money, so it becomes a welcome plant in many homes.

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The energy of the plant removes the negative atmosphere that accumulates in the house. Does not allow conflicts. Maranta is able to direct the energy of each family member in a separate channel, while allowing effective interaction. Its energy effectively protects against colds. The leaves of the arrowroot are folded for the night, they say that in this way they take away the experiences, bring peace and protect from insomnia.

Familiar to many, Dracaena, settling in the house, begins to inspire confidence in every member of the family. In the people it is considered a symbol of good luck, happiness. It adds perseverance to a person. A man who wants to create a happy family must definitely please himself with this flower.Dracaena helps a person to rationally distribute his forces, inspires hope in the future. You can talk about quick, positive changes when the plant blooms, and this happens very rarely. When the dracaena weakens, it is necessary to make every effort to restore her strength, along with this well-being will return to the house.

Geranium for health and from quarrels

Many types of geraniums are known to experienced gardeners and just lovers of an attractive, vibrant plant. She is known as "home doctor". The energy of geraniums is relaxing after a hard day, the phytoncides released become a good protection against colds. It is customary to give geraniums to newlyweds, a couple can simply buy this flower for themselves. He will take away negative energy, prevent quarrels. The specific aroma is not to everyone's taste, therefore the plant is better not to keep in the bedroom and close to direct sunlight.

Calathea for saving the family

The real savior of marriage, which is on the verge of divorce, is calathea. The plant’s energy effectively quenches quarrels and helps spouses find understanding. The flower must be in the house of those who want to live a long and happy life with their loved one.

You need to properly care for calathea. If the plant is doing well, it will have a bright leaf color with well-visible white lines.

Bougainvillea for wealth and well-being

To attract material wealth, flower growers recommend choosing this particular plant. Its powerful energy helps purposeful, hardworking people. Bougainvillea will attract money, help to cope with emerging financial difficulties. Trade workers will notice that with the advent of the plant, the flow of customers has increased, profits have increased.

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This is only a small part of the information about the well-known plants that a person chooses for his home. He can be attracted only by the appearance of the flower, but at the same time he will acquire a real talisman for himself. The energy of green assistants will work for the benefit of a person, if he can provide good care and respect, this should always be remembered.

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    Everything is very beautiful, but still seeds would be wonderful to find

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