Propolis tincture on vodka: home-made

29.07.2017 Country kitchen

Therapeutic tinctures prepared at home are no less effective than pharmacy products. Natural components that insist in certain conditions help fight organ diseases and strengthen the body. One of the most effective means is tincture of propolis on vodka, preparation at home which does not require much effort and cost.

About Propolis

This is a healthy substance of natural origin. It has a viscous consistency, formed from the juice of plants fermented with pollen by bees. A kind of "bee glue" that insects use to maintain the sterility of the hive.

The main purpose in medicine is the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.

The bee product in the composition of the preparations is able to destroy harmful bacteria in the body, herpes and influenza viruses, and fight tubercle bacillus and fungus.

It also relieves spasms, weakens pain, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of internal organs and strengthens the immune system.

It contains useful vitamins, a complex of nutrients and acids. The effect on the body in most cases is harmless, however, before using propolis tinctures and other medications with this component in the composition, you should consult your doctor. This is due to the content of caffeic acid esters, which, with individual intolerance, can cause an allergic reaction, dermatitis.

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How to choose the ingredients?

To prepare the tincture, you should purchase fresh propolis, which is sold in the form of dark-colored plates. In its raw form, it is not able to maintain its beneficial properties for a long time, and as part of healthy drinks, the effectiveness of the application only increases.

Before cooking, the raw is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which the mass becomes quite fragile.

When choosing alcohol, it is not recommended to save on quality and purchase the cheapest products. Vodka tincture is used internally, so it is better to give preference to well-known brands that are trustworthy.

You should also abandon the use of home-made moonshine, since it contains a high percentage of harmful impurities and fusel oil, which can have the most unpredictable effect on the body.

The recipe for alcohol tinctures

The most effective is propolis tincture for alcohol. Home-made alcohol tincture begins with the grinding of propolis. After cooling, the brittle mass can easily be chopped with a knife or processed in a blender.

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It is preferable to take alcohol, medical, suitable for consumption, with a strength of 70%.

Pour 80 g of crushed propolis into a dark glass container, since in the light the effectiveness of the active substances decreases. Pour 300 ml of alcohol, close tightly and put in a dark, dry place for 10 days. Every day it is necessary to shake the bottle 2-3 times, activating the settled particles.

After 10 days, the liquid must be filtered and refilled in a dark bottle.

A positive effect on the external and internal state has a tincture of propolis in alcohol, its preparation at home is not too complicated. For cough and catarrhal diseases, gargling helps with a solution previously diluted in warm water. This is a precaution against a burn of the throat and esophagus.

Bruises and cuts are easily disinfected with this product, and with bruises and sprains, it acts as a means for rubbing.

Recipe for vodka tincture

For home-made propolis tinctures on vodka, the proportions of the ingredients are approximately the same as in the recipe using alcohol. But vodka does not so effectively affect the healing properties of the drink, so the volume of the main ingredient in this recipe should be increased 2 times.

150-200 g of propolis should be crushed into a 0.5-liter vodka tank. Shake the container, seal and hide in a dark place. There, the drug should be kept for 3 weeks, shaking it once a day.

It can be used to treat skin diseases, solving the problem of acne and other rashes. It is also used to prevent and treat colds, as drops for the treatment of otitis media, and as a sedative.

Safe use and storage of tincture

Such home-made vodka and alcohol products are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmacy products. They can be stored for a long time, since propolis over time only enhances its therapeutic effect. Alcohol tincture can be stored up to 3 years, vodka no more than 1 year.

The main thing in the application is to observe the dosage. An adult can take no more than 20 drops in 1 dose, a child - 10 drops per month.

Limit the use should be with a tendency to allergies, diseases of the stomach and individual intolerance to alcohol. In other cases, it is enough to consult a doctor who will give recommendations on the dosage and frequency of use of propolis tincture, prepared at home.

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