Features of care for cucumbers after planting and before harvest

8.08.2015 Cucumbers

about competent care for cucumbersThe care of cucumbers in the greenhouse from planting to harvest consists, traditionally, in watering, observing the desired moisture level, and top dressing. In our climate, you can even get early harvests of cucumbers, which makes this vegetable even more popular among gardeners.

In order to harvest a tasty, beautiful and strong cucumber in the future, you must first try. Proper care includes the formation of bushes and regular weeding, be sure to pinch it, watering it with sufficient warm water, protect the fruits from wind, drafts and freezing. pay attention to all the secrets of the garden for lazy people who do not dig.

Features of cucumber care in the garden

For the growth of cucumbers, you need to constantly monitor and form bushes, only in this way it will be possible to collect a rich and tasty crop. As soon as six leaves have already grown on the main stem, you need to pinch it: just tear off the top so that the plant stops reaching up. This simple procedure is extremely important, it will provide good branching of the bush and the development of additional shoots with flowers. As a result, a good harvest for the far-sighted gardener is provided.

The soil must be regularly loosened, fertilizer applied. But the growth of the bushes themselves should be constantly directed in the right direction. When the branches grow greatly, their garter is necessarily done. As for seedlings, it can be tied up safely after a week of planting at a constant place of growth. Then it will turn out conveniently and quickly to collect the first crop from the main stem and additional from the side branches.

Advice! More often pick up cucumbers, the faster new fruits will appear. So, harvesting is recommended every day.

care for cucumbers in the country

How to water

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If you watch various thematic videos about caring for cucumbers in the greenhouse: from planting to harvest, you will notice that there are special requirements for watering this vegetable. You need to water the cucumbers constantly, because if there is not enough water, then the fruits grow bitter in taste. But excessive watering must be avoided: a lot of empty flowers will form, and already developed fruits will turn out to be watery and not tasty.

Watering the cucumbers is necessary as soon as it is noticed that the top layer of the soil has dried sufficiently. At the same time, you need to ensure that the soil is constantly in a moist state. To do this, you can additionally mulch with organic materials (for example, ordinary mowed grass).

pre-harvest cucumber care

About regular top dressing

For successful growth minerals and vitamins are needed, they enter the soil with special fertilizers for cucumbers. Fertilizers are applied neatly and directly to the ground.

Advice! Most fertilizers have a strong composition, and you need to apply them to the soil for feeding cucumbers only in diluted form and very carefully! Make sure that fertilizers do not fall on the leaves or fruits, otherwise, they will cause irreparable damage to the crop.

Magnesium starvation of cucumbers is often observed when growing them in greenhouses. A clear sign of this phenomenon will be the brightened leaves and yellowed sheets of tissue between the veins. Feeding in this situation is carried out immediately, and then repeated after a month. Cucumbers are best for liquid fertilizers.

how to care for cucumbers

It cannot be said that it is difficult to ensure proper care of cucumbers in a greenhouse from planting to harvest.But here you need to know your main points and rules in order to get the most delicious and healthy, beautiful crop in full. Much depends on the formation of bushes and on compliance with the correct watering regime. The remaining nuances of care are a trifle, but a mandatory trifle.

Cucumbers grow quickly, therefore, planting seeds for seedlings is best in early spring. Then at the beginning of summer it will be possible to collect the first early harvest, of course, in greenhouse conditions. Our climate allows us to grow cucumbers in the open field too, but often with this method of growing beds, additional film protection is required.

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