Ways to combat the larvae of the May beetle in the garden

11.08.2016 Diseases and Pests

How to deal with Maybug larvae yourselfIn this article, we’ll talk about effective ways to deal with the Maybug larvae in the garden. These larvae are a disaster for gardeners even later, which is quite difficult to get rid of. At the same time, the presence of larvae can be noticed only by digging the soil.

In spring, May beetles or raspberries appear at a time when the first young leaves are already flaunting on trees, especially birches. This is the favorite food of these insects, although, of course, they do not refuse everything that can grow in the garden during this period. One female, after mating, lays about seven dozen eggs, and then immediately dies.

In appearance, the larvae resemble white worms, in the first year they do not pose a danger, because only plant debris eats. But, if the larvae cannot be eliminated during this period, then already next year they will become a real unpleasant invasion and will eat everything that is in the garden.

How to deal with the larvae of the May beetle in the garden folk remedies

As an option, you don’t have to worry and just go to the store to buy there a ready-made insecticidal composition against soil pests, including from May larvae larvae. This may be a means of "Aktara", "Zemlin", "Bazudin and others." When purchasing such a product, it is important then to observe all the conditions for its proper storage, so that the composition remains effective.

Also note that the extermination of females, that is, adults, will greatly reduce the number of larvae in the soil. So, it is possible to reduce the number of females in general, in order to generally reduce the population of May beetles in their garden. About effective ways to get rid of moles in the suburban area.

Simple trap

Alternatively, a trap can be made to exterminate adult beetles. A basin or other large capacity is taken. It will be necessary to process it with any composition that has an adhesive effect. For example, use a solidol for this, you can glue the basin with a special adhesive tape for catching flies. In the center, install a flashlight or any other device that will emit light.

It remains to put a trap under the tree at night. The light source will attract insects when it gets dark, and they will stick to the trap. In the morning, you only need to permanently destroy the May bugs.

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How to deal with Maybug larvae

Dainty Trap

Khrushchev often flies for sweets, so traps in the form of plastic cups can be placed throughout the area, in which to pour jam and kvass. Including traps such can be hung on trees. All that remains is to check the traps every day in order to remove loser beetles from there on time. Watch a helpful video on the topic, how to treat onions from pests.

Plants that repel

May bugs, like other insects, have a natural intolerance to certain odors. Therefore, in order to push them away from their site, you can plant elderberry, lupine on it. Also boldly plant any cruciferous plants, for example, turnips or turnips.

A lot on the topic of how to deal with the larvae of the May beetle in the garden can be seen in the video that supplemented this material. According to gardeners, fighting larvae is much more difficult than with adults. Therefore, in order to reduce the population, it is better to aim precisely at the destruction of females.Remember that the larvae of the May beetle are deep in the ground and you can see that they are on your site only if you dig in the ground.

How to deal with Maybug larvae in the garden

Important! When choosing a specific method of getting rid of these insects, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the elimination work will be carried out in the garden. This means that there are cultures around, the fruits of which you will soon eat. So, do not pour chemistry into the soil, which is not suitable for this, or spray the trees with compounds that can subsequently settle on the fruits and harm the body when eaten. Read tips on how to get rid of a bear folk remedies.

It is worth preparing for the fact that in the matter of how to deal with the larvae of the May beetle in the garden, everything is not so simple. It is possible that one chosen method will not work right away and you will have to combine different methods in order to at least reduce the pest population during the season, and at the very least get rid of them completely and permanently.

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