Pool construction: 8 major mistakes

18.09.2018 Construction

If you are not lucky enough to have a small lake or a river near your suburban area, but still want to swim in the hot summer days, it's time to think about building your own pool. The pool is not just a dug hole with water in the ground, but a serious structure.

So that he would always please you with clean and cool water, we have prepared for you a list of ten basic mistakes made during its construction. We will only talk about stationary concrete pools that are dug up in areas in front of the house.

1. Incorrect preparatory work.

It all starts with planning, design and preparatory work. Planning includes the selection of a place for the future reservoir, its size and shape. What will be the depth in different areas. It will not be right to make the pool equally deep on all sides if children swim in it. The correct depth will be from 1 meter to 1 meter 60-80 centimeters. Optimal for bathing children, and for diving an adult. Next, you should think about decorating the walls and bottom of the reservoir. Will ceramic tiles, plastic or special film be used. Tiles are best used. A good firm is Curlit. You can buy curlite in St. Petersburg on the manufacturer’s website.

2. Incorrect design.

Often there is a mistake when the owners make a basement and, paying attention to the fact that it takes up a lot of space, they decide to equip a pool in it. You can’t do that. The linear deformations of the foundation of the house are different along its perimeter and, as a rule, cracks form in these places. Such a pool will flow. Incorrect bowl design also leads to leakage (poor reinforcement, no cushion, etc.)

3. Incorrect concrete pouring technology.

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When pouring the pool bowl, do not use grade concrete below m350 from an unverified concrete manufacturer. Concrete is poured only after installing and tying the frame of the reinforcing base and waterproofing equipment. It is advisable to fill the pool at a time. In extreme cases, it is necessary to reduce the number of pouring steps to a minimum.

4. No place for embedded parts.

If you do not leave the required number of mortgages (in accordance with the project), then in the end some of the equipment (fountain, filter or attraction) will not work. There is an exit. It is necessary to hammer additional holes, but this is fraught with the appearance of cracks and a violation of waterproofing.

5. Overflow tanks and a system for filling and draining water are not provided.

6. Use of materials that do not meet the requirements.

As a waterproofing, tile adhesive, only special materials are used, which include polymers. The use of such conventional materials as roofing material for waterproofing will be the wrong decision.

7. Basin bowl It should be an independent and separate structure. Various adjacencies to residential buildings and awnings are not allowed. There should be drainage under the pool bowl.

8. Poor water filtration and heating system.

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