Weigela: description and photo of varieties, rules of care

16.11.2018 Flowers

weigela varieties, descriptionWeigela is a delightful shrub with tubular flowers that will decorate any garden with its flowering. There are many varieties with a variety of colors of leaves and flowers. In addition, she attracts butterflies to the site. Weigela is hardy and very easy to care for, which is why she is so loved by gardeners.

The most popular varieties

Blooming Weigela “Foliis Purpureis” (lat. Weigela florida “Foliis Purpureis”) is a small (up to 1.5 m) shrub with dark reddish-purple leaves. It blooms in small funnel-shaped flowers, which are bright pink on the outside and pale pink inside.

Weigela Foliis Purpureis

Weigela flowering variety "Bristol Ruby" (lat. Weigela florida "Bristol Ruby") is a fairly large (sometimes up to 2.5 m) shrub. Raspberry bell-shaped flowers of this variety contrast perfectly with rich green foliage.

Weigela grade Bristol Ruby

Weigela blooming variety "Rosea" (lat. Weigela florida "Rosea") is a large shrub with green foliage and many tubular flowers. The peculiarity of this variety is that different colors of flowers bloom on the bush: from white to dark raspberry.

Weigela Rosea variety

There are varieties with variegated leaves, such as flowering weigela “Variegata” (lat. Weigela florida “Variegata”), and maroon leaves - flowering weigela “Alexandra” (lat. Weigela florida “Alexandra”) and many other varieties.

Care Features

Weigela is a very easy to maintain shrub. With regular shearing, the plant will have a neat shape and will not “bare” the lower branches.

Landing place

Weigela prefers well-lit places where she blooms very abundantly. It can withstand penumbra, but flowering will not be so plentiful. Varieties with burgundy, red and variegated foliage require more light than ordinary varieties. In low light the leaves turn green.

If the illumination of weigel is a fairly demanding shrub, then to the soil, quite the opposite. Weigel can grow on absolutely all types of soils. However, she prefers to grow on well-drained soil.

Weigela Red Prince


Weigela loves regular watering, especially during the summer drought. With regular watering, flowering lasts longer.


Weigela responds well to fertilizer application. For fertilizer, it is best to use granular fertilizer, which slowly dissolves when watering the plant. It is especially important to apply fertilizer after shearing.


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Timely pruning helps keep the wigel compact and dense. In addition, the haircut stimulates the appearance of flower shoots. To avoid a strong dense crown, pruning is performed on the external kidney. Weigela refers to shrubs that are pruned after flowering. To improve regeneration, mature, thick shoots are cut to ground level.


Weigel can be propagated by seeds, but they have poor germination, which will greatly complicate the reproduction of the plant. Better and easier to propagate the Weigel cuttings. To do this, in the spring, the stems of the first year are cut. Cuttings should be woody at the base and green at the tip. Leaves are removed from the bottom. After which the cuttings are planted in a container and watered, root growth stimulants can also be used for watering. For rooting, cuttings are placed in a well-lit, very warm place. It should be watered regularly, and in autumn they can be planted already in the open ground.

With proper and timely care, the weigel practically does not get sick and is not damaged by pests.
Weigela can be grown not only in open ground, but also in containers. Only for this, small varieties are used. But plants planted in containers need regular pruning and fertilizer.

Weigela will fit in and become an addition to any garden.

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