Video how to build a brick oven with your own hands: perseverance and patience

17.10.2016 Construction

Depending on whether a Dutch woman is chosen for a do-it-yourself oven or another type of such design, the layout of the masonry will differ. However, the main points remain stable as many years ago. First of all, I want to emphasize that even against the backdrop of highly efficient competitors, a Dutch woman or a brick stove does not give up her positions even in the modern world. And there is only one main reason - such a stove can breathe and you can fold it with your own hands if you try!

Not everyone immediately understands how this stove can breathe, and at this point we should dwell in more detail. The thing is that when heated, the furnace releases moisture vapor into the air, and when it cools, the moisture returns. When it comes to a brick oven, we can say that the dew point in the room will be within optimal limits from the point of view of physiology. That is, the design of a brick oven is healthier than any other.

In addition to the fact that a brick oven due to its breathing is a healthy solution for any room, there are other pluses of just such a design. For example, during medical and technical calculations, it was found that the relative humidity in the house when using such a stove would be optimal, and plus there would also be heat saving. Even bedding in rooms with a brick stove is always dry, and people do not feel any discomfort.

Interesting! It was found that infrared devices, modern and common today, greatly dry the air in the room. Drawings are necessary, because even a small Dutch woman from brick with her own hands is put quite difficult, especially for people who did not have the appropriate experience.

It is also worth noting about the economy of the second order. If you have a brick oven at home, you can start the heating season later and end earlier. And you do not need to purchase any special fuel for the operation of a brick stove, which allows you to save more in the end.


Interesting! If we consider the global scale, then it should be noted that the Dutch woman does not fit well into the environment. Because, the extraction and production of material for the manufacture of bricks is bad for the environment. The do-it-yourself oven is made of simple and inexpensive brick, but it should be noted that leading oven companies are actively working to improve the production technology of this material to preserve the environment.

Many people think about how to lay down a brick oven with their own hands. Firstly, professionals take a lot of money for this work, and secondly, enthusiasts always want to feel their importance and strength. It is definitely worth watching a thematic video from this material, how a Dutchwoman is going to do it herself. We will pay special attention to important aspects of the construction of a brick kiln in this material. Which is better to choose peat toilet for a summer residence: advice.

For home, garden and not only

The video on the topic of how to stack a brick stove shows each stage of work. This is extremely important, because the slightest mistake even during calculations will lead to the fact that the assembled structure simply will not work correctly. A brick oven in the household is needed mainly for heating and cooking. But it can also be used even as a barbecue or a place for barbecue.


What is important for everyday life is the high heat capacity of the material from which you want to fold the stove. Brick in this regard provides long-term heat transfer. The furnace is ultimately empty and you can safely go to bed in a heated and warm room, without fear of the possibility of fumes.So, in the working area, a brick oven allows you to create an excellent concentration of heat and this is its plus, which will not be discussed in the video how to lay a brick stove. Also remember the breathing of the furnace, which in this case will be a harmful factor (to minimize risks, the furnace must be placed in a gas-tight case).

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Advice! Brick stoves are categorically not suitable for heating greenhouses, greenhouses, and livestock yards. Because, the breathable material will spoil the air and the stove itself in such conditions will quickly cease to work properly.

If the furnace is not made with your own hands, but factory samples are bought, it is worth paying attention that transportation can be carried out in parts or already in prefabricated form. But the prices for such products are high, so it’s best to make a do-it-yourself oven, add everything according to the exact and understandable instructions given in the thematic video.

Seat selection

Not necessarily a summer house is built from the stove. If you already have a finished room, then the stove calmly gets to it. First, thermotechnical calculations are necessarily carried out in order to determine the ideal place in the house for the furnace. You need to understand how the house is insulated from the outside, which will increase the efficiency of stove heating.


The layout options of the house, in which there is an oven, can be different. If you need a warm lounger in the bedroom and the house is built for a small family, then the stove can be heating and cooking and other functions are not required. The Russian stove does not fit into a small house, but the Swedish or Dutch fits perfectly.

Interesting! It is now difficult to restore historically and understand why the brick oven is often called the “Dutch”. With their own hands, Russian stove-makers began to build such structures two hundred years ago, and it was believed that they took the masonry of Dutch masters as a basis. Apparently, from here the Dutchwoman got her name. Choose septic tank for giving right.

When the house is large, you can make a large furnace and already install it, for example, in the center of a large room. The options here may be different, someone swaps the kitchen and bathroom to find the ideal location for the stove. There simply cannot be any standard advice here, because each specific case requires its own individual solution.

What to consider at the planning stage of the location of the future furnace:

1. If the furnace is high and has its own chimney, then it requires a separate foundation, which will not have a mechanical connection with the foundation of the building. Even in the case of joint design and DIY construction.
2. It is extremely important when installing the heating plate, low and wide hob, to take into account the norms of SNiP. In particular, the load should be kept at least 250 kilograms per square meter. In the described case, an additional foundation is not required; however, it is necessary to organize thermal insulation. The flooring is additionally reinforced under the shield by the lags of the cottage.
3. As for the chimney, its cutting should not come into contact with the beams on the ceiling. Well, if the distance from the cut to the nearest beams will be the same.
4. The pipe through which smoke is discharged must be at least 500 mm above the ridge of the roof. In advance, you need to prepare drawings for each component of the design of this furnace.


I would like to note that in order to lay down a small Russian stove, judging by the video and recommendations, you need at least 1,500 bricks. All Russian furnaces, regardless of size, are built on a separate foundation. However, a wooden beam can be used for the foundation of a small furnace. how do high beds with your own hands.

So, the Dutch woman developed as a design back in the 15th century, but it was in the 16th century, when the Netherlands became independent, that masonry began to develop and gain popularity in the world.We can safely say that today the Dutch woman is also at the peak of her popularity, and in the video from this material you can see and understand how to fold it yourself. Even a simple small stove requires that you prepare the drawings in advance, and then, after carrying out technical calculations, begin construction.

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