Types and characteristics of reinforced concrete slabs used in road construction

21.12.2018 Construction

Along with bulk reinforced concrete products, their more flat formats have become widespread in construction, which act as overlappings and form the horizontal planes of buildings. Subsequently, the slabs received another purpose - this is participation in the laying of roads, especially in those places where softer asphalt cannot cope with the loads.

As practice shows, on crossings and roads where heavy freight transport and special equipment prevail, asphalt will require repair every year, and a concrete slab can be used for decades. Therefore, the installation of reinforced concrete products despite their significant cost in the end turns out to be a justified and profitable measure.

Features of road plates and their species diversity


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According to the requirements of GOSTs, plates used as road surfaces are divided into types according to the basic strength characteristic:

  • Universal products with the ability to withstand loads of up to six or more tons, depending on the brand of concrete.
  • Armored plates with added voltage, capable of withstanding more significant local and dynamic loads.
  • Airfield panels, whose purpose speaks for itself.

Last concrete products concrete goods factory "Stroynerud", are distinguished by their large weight, where standard size formats reach a mass of 5 tons. They can have a smooth or corrugated surface adapted to various weather conditions.

Key plate characteristics

Regardless of whether the flat products will be used in the construction of temporary or permanent roads, laying on loading platforms or airfields, their following properties are especially significant:

  • resistance to precipitation and temperature fluctuations;
  • the duration of the operating period at maximum loads;
  • resistance to regular mechanical stress and vibration.

For these qualities is responsible not only reinforced reinforcement and additional coating of cement, but also the brand of concrete used. In the production of road concrete products, its heavy types are used, such as M300, M350 and above. They undergo a compaction and hardening procedure using vibration technology, and then undergo heat treatment. The final stage of production includes quality control and product labeling.

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