Pests of cucumbers with photos and their treatment

25.08.2015 Cucumbers

cucumber pestsThe enemy must be known in person, popular wisdom repeats. Therefore, you need to consider what pests of cucumbers are (with a photo) and their treatment to find out in order to prevent loss of crop in their beds. In fact, there are a lot of dirty tricks who are eager for our plants - ants, aphids, whiteflies, slugs, mosaics, rot and so on. To prevent cucumber diseases, we will deal with pests in order, why they attack plants, and how to protect and cure them.

Read: planting cucumbers in 5 liter bottles.




The petty dirty woman loves the back of the leaves, where she settles, as at home, and drinks her own juice quietly at the plant. This is facilitated by ants, which, not only do they spoil the garden with their ant colonies, they also drag them to plants. These are their ladybugs, they milk them, and they drive them out to pasture. And in the winter they even drag minks to themselves, so that in the spring they again drive them out to the pasture. Therefore, before you take up aphids, you need to start with ants. And then together the pressure on both pests is done.

Lime ants are not easy if there are a lot of them on the site. They deeply place their penates, they hide and protect the uterus there. And she is the main enemy. The uterus will be able to drive out, and the ants will go away from your garden. To do this, you need to destroy the heaps of ant, pour boiling water, kerosene, sprinkle with slaked lime and so on. Pour the paths with sweet syrup, mixed with yeast. Aphid well sprayed with horseradish root infusion, effectively helps.



Night hunters can harm a crop by eating up the flesh, spreading mucus and droppings over cucumbers. If this attack is discovered, immediate liquidation must begin. Make sweet traps so that they crawl into them at night, dust the plants with ash, scatter slaked lime along the pathways of slugs, remove weeds. And the fastest way to get rid of slugs is to help Metaldehyde.



A small flying pest lays its eggs on the underside of leaves (often look under them!). The larvae hatch, and cucumbers begin to eat frantically, suck out juices from them, helping to develop a sooty fungus. In a pair, they will quickly exhaust your plants and you will not wait for the harvest.
Larvae need to be washed off, spray cucumbers, dig up the soil. Tobacco and Intra-Vir help well.

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Cucumber mosquito

Danger to greenhouse plants, only planted or weakened. The mosquito attack is manifested by cracking and rotting of the roots. If a lot of it has started, you need to spray the greenhouse with the Iskra preparation, and when planting seedlings, use growth stimulants so that the plants grow stronger immediately, then the mosquito is not afraid of them.

Interesting information: cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse planting and care.

Tobacco thrips

These small insects suck cucumber juice very vigorously. The leaves dry and fall off, the plant dies. You can get rid of the pest with “Fitoverm” and “Vermitek” drugs, “Akarin” can also help.



Viral disease, aphids and tobacco thrips can spread it. The leaves are covered with mosaic patterns, dry, the stems crack. Plants cease to grow, and gradually perish. The fruits are distorted, growth stops. The virus hibernates well in plant debris, in the spring it is necessary to disinfect the soil, and cucumbers should not be returned to this place for several years.When sowing, choose healthy seeds of resistant varieties such as Vanguard or Far Eastern, keep your seeds for 2-3 years before planting, take new uninfected ropes for garter, spray with onion husks. The drug "Aktara" can help in the fight.

Fusarium wilt

fusarium wilting

Soil fungi cause the disease, and plants can attack any age. From the soil, mushrooms climb into the roots and stems of cucumbers, and propagate throughout the plant. The lower part of the cucumbers decays, the cotyledons fade, the plant dies.

Preventive measures include correct crop rotation, replacing soil in greenhouses, sprinkling earth under plants so that additional roots are formed (only during the growing season).



Particularly violent in greenhouses - oily spots on leaflets, light brown - on cotyledons, ulcers, ugliness of the fruit - all this is bacteriosis. When it appears, spray with 1% Bordeaux fluid every 2 weeks until cured. Sick fruits mercilessly remove, burn or bury, pouring bleach.
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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar


    The infusion of the roots and leaves of horseradish turned out to be just amazing - once all the cucumbers were processed and the aphids did not become completely. True, we burned sheets that were heavily offended by aphids, and those on which there were few were treated with infusion, and we left the remains under the root. excellent result, aphids appeared before the end of the season, did not even have to be processed a second time. Then, by the way, they noticed that the cherry, which grows near the horseradish, was not attacked by aphids, and the one that stood aside was covered all over, the infusion was also applied to it, it helped a lot. Thanks for the advice!

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  2. Avatar


    This year, unfortunately, I also had a misfortune with cucumbers. Due to the lack of rain, they simply did not grow, even the seeds did not descend. And my watering did not help them, although I didn’t really water them, since there was little water in the well and I was afraid that I would have nothing to drink. And last year, my melon aphid started up, and as soon as I did not fight it (I had to buy strong poison and sprinkle, although I did not like it very much but I had to, because I was afraid that I would be left without a spin. And two years ago bacteriosis took It’s good that we arrived on time and noticed that they were treated with Bordeaux liquid a couple of times and everything went away.

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