Spherical chrysanthemums: planting and care, wintering, reproduction, cultivation, storage in winter

29.11.2018 Flowers

Growing and caring for a spherical chrysanthemum brings the grower only pleasure. The bush blooms early and for a long time keeps the buds in a state of dissolution. The plant is unpretentious and even without scrupulous pruning, the bush always turns out to be lush and homogeneous. The undersized chrysanthemum is responsive to top dressing; regular application of fertilizers ensures lush flowering in season.

Plant benefits

Plant varieties differ not only in color, in the duration and frequency of flowering. Florists distinguish between short, tall and medium-sized bushes. Low-growing varieties reach a height of not more than 20 cm, medium-sized - up to 40, and tall - about 70 cm.

Low-growing varieties are used to tame small flower beds, flowerpots for loggias and balconies. They can be easily grown indoors, in an ordinary flower pot. Medium-tall and tall varieties are used for landscaping summer cottages.

There are varieties and the flowering period. Early flowering delight the gardener already in August, mid flowering - in September, and late flowering bloom during the autumn wilting, and show a riot of colors before frost, so with the right selection of varieties you can get a plentifully flowering flower bed.

Gardeners appreciate the multiflora for its unpretentiousness and ease of care and maintenance. The plant is well combined with other species, therefore, always successfully fits into the landscape of the site. Equally valuable - a variety of colors - this allows the owner to create gradients by planting plants on the flowerbed, in a certain sequence. Low-growing varieties can be used for alpine hills, and tall-for creating a lush, green fence. Planting is an opportunity to feel like a designer, because there is a huge field for imagination, and its implementation.

Features of growing spherical chrysanthemums

Spherical chrysanthemum

Varieties of various sizes are used for growing on a garden plot, but when growing in a private house or apartment, it is better to choose undersized, dwarf varieties. It is quite difficult to grow tall chrysanthemum at home, because its root system requires space and significant amounts of land mass, which are difficult to provide.

Spherical multiflora is undemanding in care during the entire growing season, but the intensity and duration of flowering, as well as the health of the plant, depend on the exact observance of the main recommendations.

The main recommendations for summer care are given in the table.

Condition How to provide
Watering The plant is quite hygrophilous, it does not tolerate the drying of an earthen coma. For irrigation, it is recommended to use soft, preferably rainwater with the addition of 3 drops of ammonia per 5 liters of water. If the bush grows in a flowerpot, watering is carried out daily, after which you need to pour excess liquid from the pan, because it can cause rotting of the root system.
Top dressing Responsive to the use of organic fertilizers - cow dung, chicken droppings. Complex formulations may be used. Designed for flowering crops.During the growing season, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil once every 2 weeks. During the flowering period, the plant is fed half the recommended dose 1 time per week. Superphosphate is used to stimulate budding.
Light mode It grows well in a sunny area or in partial shade. When grown in the sun, the main danger is the excessive and quick drying of an earthen coma.
Pinching and shaping An optional procedure, as the bush is formed independently. A flower grower can correct its growth at its discretion, but pruning is best done after flowering otherwise, it may be less plentiful.
Pests and diseases Varieties are characterized by good resistance to disease. Due to overflow, powdery mildew attacks are possible, then it is recommended to conduct treatment with copper sulfate. Due to the lack of drainage during overflow, root rotting occurs, it is better to transplant the bush, after arranging drainage at a depth of 30 cm.
It is better to water the plant in the summer in the early morning or evening, after sunset. Water on the leaf is a common cause of burns. Affected leaves darken and rot, therefore it is better to remove them immediately.

Autumn Chrysanthemum Care

The departure of spherical chrysanthemum for the winter should be smooth. Therefore, preparatory measures are provided depending on the region. In the middle lane chrysanthemum can winter without additional shelter in the open ground, if weather forecasters do not promise fierce scorches. In the Urals and Siberia, it is recommended to dig up the plant, because severe frost can ruin the entire collection.

Such wintering rules are used for domestic, common varieties. Varieties of foreign selection are more demanding of the conditions and are not able to withstand a strong decrease in temperature. Depending on the characteristics of the variety, the bush can be dug out of the ground or even planted in a pot for winter time.

The quality of plant wintering depends on proper care in the fall. Subject to the basic recommendations, the chrysanthemum will retain its vitality and thank the grower in the next season.

Key events in the fall and their purpose:

  • pruning - helps to maintain splendor, rejuvenates and heals the bush;
  • top dressing - will replenish the supply of mineral compounds in the root system, they will provide nutrition during the wintering period;
  • watering - you need to adjust to prevent decay and overdrying of seedlings.

Autumn events will also help to get high-quality material for propagation of varieties of your choice. Chrysanthemum is unpretentious by the time of cuttings, the collected material will give roots by the end of autumn, and in the next season it thrives on variety.

Pruning in autumn

Pruning is used for tall and medium-sized varieties to simplify the process of hiding plants for the winter and harvesting in the cellar. Pruning is recommended after the onset of the first autumn cold. If the gardener wants to collect planting material from the bush, it is better to carry out the manipulation earlier, the frost will destroy the green mass and the stem may not take root.

The length of the trimmed shoots for tall varieties should not exceed 20 cm. Low-growing, curb bushes do not need to be trimmed, they can be easily sent for wintering in their original form. Before wintering, it is important to remove all damaged, overdried and not healthy stems.


After flowering is completed, watering is reduced to 1 time per week, making it plentiful. Before you dig a plant from open ground, you need to dry the earth, so cleaning in the basement is possible no earlier than 3-4 days after watering.

Top dressing

The plant requires nutrition during the buds.After their dissolution, the amount of top dressing is reduced and transferred from potassium-containing compounds to organics. The last top dressing is carried out 2 weeks before being removed from the open ground or wrapped up for the winter.

Spherical chrysanthemum

Plant propagation

There are several methods for propagating the variety you like. Most often, cuttings or rhizomes are used.

The method of propagation by seeds is rarely used, because the seedlings obtained rarely have varietal characteristics of the mother plant.

The division of rhizomes can be carried out in spring or autumn after digging up a bush. Rhizomes are divided into portions and planted until spring in pots or placed in the cellar. For propagation by cuttings, material from a healthy mother plant is suitable. Use cuttings with a length of 10-12 cm and place them in moist peat or sand. If the procedure is carried out in the fall, use an impromptu greenhouse, wrapping the flowerpot in a pot. It is not necessary to wait for the active growth of cuttings in winter, the rooting process will become noticeable in spring. After stabilization of temperature and the disappearance of frost, young bushes are planted and provide care as adult plants. When landing, be sure to arrange drainage.

Chrysanthemum Planting Tips

Chrysanthemum loves the sun; during partial shade, flowering will not be plentiful enough. The soil should be saturated with mineral and organic substances, therefore, during the period of digging, you need to add peat, manure and compost. It is important not to oversaturate the mixture with mineral compounds, otherwise you can get a lush, but not flowering bush.

The list of basic rules for planting, providing growth and flowering:

  1. Wells for each bush must be done at a considerable distance (at least 30 cm for tall varieties and 15 cm for short).
  2. Be sure to arrange a drainage.
  3. It is important not to deepen the root system, the depth of the hole is determined by the volume of the roots.
  4. Tall bushes require support because branches can bend under weight.
  5. To increase stress resistance, the plant after planting is treated with Epin solution.

If weather forecasters promise frost, the bush should be covered with a non-woven material for the night.

Spherical chrysanthemum

Preparing for the winter

The basic algorithm for preparing a plant for wintering, regardless of the method chosen:

  • 2 weeks before the alleged frosts, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizer or organic;
  • pruning, removing damaged branches and faded buds;
  • sanitize against diseases and pests.
Wintering of chrysanthemums begins when the average temperature in the afternoon does not reach +1 degree. The best way to preserve the plant is selected depending on the place of growth.

Recommendations for the preparation of wintering by region:

  • Moscow Region - mid-October;
  • Leningrad Region - early October;
  • Ural - the end of September;
  • Siberia - mid-September;
  • The peninsula of Crimea and the south of Russia - the end of October.

The dates given are relative. Therefore, the flower grower must independently control the tendency to lower temperatures in his region.

Winter Chrysanthemum Storage

There are several options that allow you to save the plant in the cold period without risk. Gardeners did not come to a consensus, defining the most successful method, but many argue that the chrysanthemum winter well in the open ground.

Spherical chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum spherical: wintering in open ground

The chrysanthemum is cold-resistant, but you should not leave it in the exhaust gas for the winter without shelter. The soil under the plant needs to be mulched. To create mulch, use fallen leaves, peat, or soil. After the temperature drops to -5 degrees, the bush is covered with non-woven material, which is spread on the surface of the soil.

Shelter is removed in the spring, after the temperature rises to +5 degrees in the daytime. Top dressing is applied to the soil no earlier than April.

How to store globular chrysanthemums in the winter in the cellar

After lowering the ambient temperature to 0 degrees, the plants are dug out of the open ground and clean off the soil. The underground mass is placed in fabric bags, plants are placed in wooden or plastic boxes.

During the winter, you need to check the safety of planting material. Landing in the open ground is carried out after a spring temperature increase.

How to store spherical chrysanthemums in winter in a pot

The plant can be stored in a flowerpot in winter, but this method is beneficial to use if the grower has few varieties. This technique is convenient for stunted bushes - they are simply placed in a flower pot and provide care until spring.

Wintering at home is not always a good solution. A flower grower may experience falling and yellowing leaves.

Providing wintering in an apartment, you need to remember about observing the temperature regime. The plant will die at high rates, the room should be no more than 15 degrees. In winter, they provide moderate watering after the drying of an earthen coma, they refuse to feed.

Spherical chrysanthemum

Reviews and comments

Reviews and comments of flower growers confirm that the spherical chrysanthemum is unpretentious. It is very simple to get a blooming flowerbed on your site, most importantly, remember the basic rules for care.

Marina, Moscow Region

My acquaintance with the plant began with the fact that my mother gave the dividend. It was a white, low chrysanthemum, which, despite its small size, bloomed very magnificent. Flowering lasted from September to frost. I decided to keep it in the open ground, made a mulch and covered it with burlap. In the spring, the bush turned green and ran wild, and in the fall it was wearing a lush hat of flowers. I was delighted and the next year I found many different varieties.

Tatyana, Saratov

I don’t understand why the rose is considered the queen of the garden, it’s capricious, the buds do not last long and you have to spend energy on pest control. My queen is a chrysanthemum, in the collection of more than 40 varieties and I can not stop. To grow a bush and bring it to bloom is very simple, care consists in watering and feeding. At the first meeting I dug up for the winter, and then decided to leave for wintering in the garden - everything is fine.

Svetlana, Zhytomyr

Due to my state of health, I had to abandon the summer cottage and move to the apartment, but I could not say goodbye to my beloved chrysanthemum. Dug up and dropped off the house in a flowerpot. Yes, this plant feels better in the open ground, but also grows well in a pot. Blooms 2 times a year, in spring and autumn. I want to replenish my home collection.

Valentine, Tver

I always scolded my wife for planting flowers with all the free space in the country. I thought there was no sense in them until I saw the autumn flowering of chrysanthemums. This is amazing, the harvest is harvested, everything turns yellow, there is practically no sun, and they bloom. There are no words.


Spherical chrysanthemum - easy to maintain, care consists in regular watering, top dressing and pruning. Due to the variety of varieties and colors, the gardener can decorate his plot at his discretion. To avoid the death of the plant, you need to remember the rules for wintering, they are simple, but you need to consider the region of residence. If in the middle lane the chrysanthemum can survive the winter without shelter, then in Siberia it is better to dig it out so as not to lose the variety.

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