Do-it-yourself flower gardens: the best ideas from improvised materials

29.01.2019 Flowers

Flower garden is the highlight of every garden. In the country, they can be made from improvised material. In difficult economic times, this will help to save the family budget. Photos of works will help to inspire and create beauty. Flower beds, flower beds will make the garden a cozy place to relax.

Principles of flower garden formation

Knowing how they bloom, how much they live, what is the need for the sun, water can be formed correctly beautiful flower garden. Using several types of colors, think about what color will be the main. Draw the shape of the flower garden and the location of the color scheme. It will be easier for beginning gardeners to work with perennials; they are less whimsical. Distribute seedlings according to their growth. If she is cramped, then the riot of colors will not work. Plant together those species that are similar in terms of content, that is, they love the light the same way, water, prefer the same soil.

Combine different shades, add lightness due to the white representatives of the flora. Remember to consider your height. It depends on what form the flowerbed will be. On a flat surface, carry out a colored carpet, in this case the height does not exceed 40 centimeters. On a round flowerbed harmoniously look those species that have a difference in growth. It is better to plant high views in the center, and low around the perimeter. Make 3-4 tiers, it will turn out very effectively.

Decorate the fence zone also with steps. First plant tall bushes. The farther from the fence, the lower the tier. Create a flower garden at the cottage with your own hands for beginners, and colorful photos will inspire creativity.

flower beds in the country with your own hands

Flowering Details

Knowing what period various plants bloom will help will provide a continuous riot of colors.

Flowering periods:

  • March-April - snowdrops and crocuses, pansies;
  • end of April – beginning of May - daisies, primrose, medunits, tulips, daffodils, liverwort;
  • May - hyacinths, daffodils, tulips, decorative bow, lily of the valley, phlox, forget-me-nots, swimsuit;
  • June - carnations, peonies, daisies, bells, irises, poppies, lilies, petunias, delphinium, felicia, lupins, roses appear;
  • July - daylilies, dahlias, lilies, phloxes, nasturtium, cosmea, astilbe, matthiola;
  • August - early September - dahlias phlox, astilbe, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, sunflower, goldenrod;
  • September - marigolds, asters, dahlias, chrysanthemums, daisies can bloom repeatedly, pansies and roses.

Arrange a flowering glade under a white cloud of an apple tree. Plant near a bright mountain ash, viburnum. Let clematis create a hedge. Along the road, run a carpet of juniper, highlander, sage, cinquefoil, night violets, gelenium, formium.

flower beds in the country with your own hands

Types of beds and choice of place

Now decide what form of flower beds to choose in the garden. Along the paths let the curb of low species, behind it, give place to irises, gladioli, bush species.

The rabatka will look good under a tree or a platform under the window. It is a rectangular shape with plants of the same height.

Recently, in landscape design, an arbitrary form has become popular - a mixborder. Lightness is given by grassy species and flowers of different heights.

Another popular design decision is an alpine slide.For her, the most successful form is oval or round, place it in a place where there is a height difference, decorate the flower arrangement with stones, gypsum figures in the Provence style. It is successful to place a fountain in such a flower garden.

flower beds in the country with your own hands

If you really like certain varieties of flowers, make a small clearing of mono flower beds. For experienced gardeners, you can recommend a vertical flowerbed. Decorate it with a representative of one type of flowering plant, but of different colors. Such a flower bed requires special care. Experienced flower growers will be quite capable of forming a flowerbed in the shape of a butterfly - an arabesque. Just think about a landing pattern in advance.

In combination with a good arrangement of flower beds, their shape, size, spectacular will be simple flowers. Beginners can easily enjoy the alpine slides and mixborders. With the acquisition of experience, everyone can easily pick up plants according to size, flowering time, maintain a distance for comfortable growth. Butterflies will become an additional decoration of the site. Attract them with thuja, buddley, zinnia, goldenrod, echinacea. Place the flower garden in such a place that you can admire it from either side of the site.

 When disembarking, consider the shady and sunny sides.

Flowerbed preparation

You can calculate the planting density if you divide the estimated sowing area into squares with the same unit of measure, for example, with a side of 1 meter. Then, calculate the area that each plant species will occupy and divide the value by the average planting rate of 1 sq.m.

flower beds in the country with your own hands

Landing density:

  • large - per square meter 2-3 plants;
  • height 40-90 cm - 4-6 pieces per meter are planted;
  • height 20-40 cm - 7-9 pcs.;
  • height up to 20 cm - 16-20 pieces.

On the site, mark the borders of the landing with sand, sawdust, chalk. Before starting, dig up the earth to a depth of 40 cm, remove all weeds. Then be sure to add a layer of turf prepared for planting flowers.

flower beds in the country with your own hands

General landing guidelines

Water the plants a couple of hours before planting. Wait for the time when the scorching sun will not burn the leaves, but the best time to plant is the period before the rain. From which shaped flower garden start planting plants. Fill the round form from the center to the periphery, the flowerbed near the hedge - from the background. First plant high species, then low.

After planting, spill the ground well, tamp near the roots. If necessary, provide support for tall stems.

If some plant has not taken root, it can be replaced. Take care of spare seedlings.

In the first year, a flower bed of perennials will have voids, because the plants have not grown. Fill them with annual flowers that are similar to the conditions of perennials.

In the process of growth, wilting, you can adjust the pattern of the flower bed, replace the plants with other species.

Design Tips

Requirements for design and the formation of a flower garden and the selection of plants are not limited to the irrigation regime and the illumination of the flowerbed. It is important to take into account the acidity of the soil, its composition, the shade that tall flowers will create. If you are breaking a flower garden for the first time, it is best to start with unpretentious bulbs - crocuses, hyacinths, snowdrops. From perennial select felt stalk, phlox, primrose; biennials - daisies, forget-me-nots, pansies. Fill the voids with marigolds, petunias.

flower beds in the country with your own hands

The basis of multi-level flower beds are medium-sized plants. The most beautiful are irises, daisies, peonies, bells, phlox, hosts. In the background of unpretentious arrange sunflowers, sage, delphinium, lupins.

In low light conditions it will be comfortable for shady representatives of the flora - Japanese anemones, hosts, ferns, primrose, geraniums. Plant hydrangea, rhododendron, fern on acidic soil.

Flower bed made of wheels

One of the tools available to create beautiful flower beds are wheels. Due to the elasticity of the rubber, they can be given any shape, used whole or cut out animal figures. The paint lays well on the tires, so you can decorate them as soon as your imagination allows.

Rubber flower beds can be used as functional devices for growing strawberries, seedlings, greens. They will be great climbing plants. On the Internet, a huge variety of examples of flower beds from tires. Use these ideas or come up with your own.

If you plan to cut the figures, it is better to work with worn-out winter tires, it is more malleable. At the end of the work, paint on the inside and outside.

flower beds in the country with your own hands

Stone by stone

By laying out stones selected in shape, you can create several types of flower beds:

  1. Alpine hill - A hand-crafted stretch of rocky terrain. It is better to plant hardy species - succulents, heather. They are adapted to live in rocky terrain. A feature is the need to create a drainage system and conditions for the outflow of excess water.
  2. Rockery - the basis of the flower garden - stones. Combine unusual textures, colors, sizes. In such flower beds it is better to plant unpretentious succulents. Pay particular attention to drainage.
  3. The stone fence is suitable for beginner gardeners. An auxiliary function is assigned to the stones - they indicate the borders of the flower garden. Plant your favorite flowers in the flower beds.
  4. From stone and reinforced mesh, you can create multi-level and tall flower beds. It is enough to make a flower garden out of the ground and decorate it with a stone.
Structures not only from natural, but also from artificial stone will look spectacular.

The bottle

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Another junk stuff. Start by creating a simple border trim along the contour of the flower garden. The fence has water-retaining properties. Paint bottles, there will be a "cheerful" fence. If you decorate the bottom with several flowers, you get a bright flower, for example, chamomile.

Strengthen the structure by filling the bottles with water. Unpainted transparent plastic will allow the sun to refract, and the fence will sparkle in the sun. With the help of the bottles, wonderful flat and multi-level flower beds are obtained. Strengthening the base with cement deprives the flower bed of mobility, but makes it solid.

Plastic is a durable material, use for construction in the form of a woodpile. Fasten the bottles with a simple glue, as well as by heating and gluing softened plastic.

Glue the bottles into a ball shape. To do this, take the ball with the desired diameter - it will be the frame for the flowerbed, cut the bottom of the bottles and paint them. Glue the parts in contact with the ball, and when the structure is dry blow the ball away.

Use cut-to-length bottles as multi-level hanging flower pots. Plant creeping plants in them. In this way, you can create a colorful hedge. Do not forget to make holes in the bottom of the pot for draining water.

If you fantasize, the shape of the bottle may resemble a pig’s muzzle with a cap instead of a patch or hedgehog. The necks resemble the shape of tulips - all that remains is to cut the petals, and from the bottoms you can make daisies. Attract children to creative activities and you will be surprised at how much they will come up with.

Abandoned garden

It would seem that it might be easier than a chaotic landing, but in fact, in order for the seemingly chaotic polysad to look noble, you will have to work hard. Opt for unpretentious mallow, daisies, chrysanthemums, marigolds, irises, dahlias, hosts, ferns - they all take root in shaded areas. Use hops, cereals, cornflowers. Of the bushes, lilacs, dogrose, and jasmine will be successful choices.

You can decorate the garden with a wooden, antique, bench, rattan furniture.Come up with hemp and logs. Use the unnecessary stairs to add mystery to the trees. Let clematis hug the ladder that you leaned against your favorite apple tree. Decorate antique planting.

Let the magic path lead to the created corner. Lay it out of gravel, sand, and cobblestones. Give it a twisty shape, and solar-powered flashlights will illuminate it at night. Seed spicy herbs along the way, the most fanatical owners can be advised to create a small pond, a wooden bridge. If you did everything right, in an abandoned garden you will feel the mystery and atmosphere of antiquity.

how to make a flower garden


Vertical flower beds are not only a spectacular sight, but also save space in the garden. Perform them in the form of arches, slides, suspended structures, columns, pyramids. The meaning of such designs is to create a frame, an irrigation system, and fixing the soil.

Create a vertical flower garden using the containers that are not requiring imagination, in the most affordable way. Get them at any store. It remains to hang the boxes, fill with soil and plant the plants.

flower beds in the country

In a plastic pipe with a diameter of at least 20 cm of the required height, you can cut holes at a distance of 10-15 cm, fix it with cement. A pipe is placed in the center with holes of a smaller diameter for irrigation and a blank bottom for retaining moisture.

A large mesh netting can be a worthy material for the manufacture of a vertical flower garden. Create a cylinder of the required size from it, strengthen it with a plastic bag. Connect the polyethylene to the net. After installing the frame, take it for filling it with earth and planting plants.

Such flower beds are suitable for creeping plants - petunia, nasturtium, ornamental pumpkin, clematis, lemongrass.

If desired, any improvised, old material can be turned into a decoration for a flower bed. Even from old rags with cement, you can create amazing designer flower pots. We talked about the basic principles of flower garden construction, fantasize with the whole family, connect children, create a fairy-tale garden from your own materials.

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