Fitosporin-M - instructions for use

29.06.2019 news

Many gardeners, even in the early stages of planting, think about how to protect them from various diseases and harmful insects.

Reviews and instructions for the use of the drug Fitosporin-M indicate that such a tool will definitely come in handy for dealing with unwanted guests in your beds.

What is Fitosporin-M

Numerous reviews, as well as instructions for the use of Fitosporin-M, talk about how such a tool effectively copes with any misfortune in the form of insects or pathogenic bacteria.

Such a tool was developed on the basis of the latest technologies and is a biological substance. Inside it contains special bacteria that not only allow the plant to be treated for various diseases, but also prevent the further appearance of the disease or harmful insects



A special scientific unit in Ufa has developed such a tool so that it can effectively deal with various kinds of plant diseases, as well as with numerous insects, without causing any harm to the person himself.

In addition, Fitosporin-M can be used not only when the plant is already sick, but also for prevention purposes, especially in those seasons in which the risk for the plant to catch a disease or to be attacked by insects is great.

phytosporin powder

Such a substance acts almost instantly, as bacteria begin to spread over a short period of time.

Fitosporin-M is suitable for indoor plants, as indicated by the instructions for use and numerous reviews. Therefore, you can find application for this drug both in your summer cottages and at home.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

Bacterial medicine, which is part of this drug, can significantly increase the plant's resistance to various fungal diseases, as well as to other types of diseases.

plant treatment solution

Even if you put such a substance in an environment with high temperatures, for example, if you process plants on a hot day, then the bacteria will feel great even in such an atmosphere.

However, any damage to bacteria inside this substance can be caused by constant exposure to sunlight. For this reason, when asked how to treat the plants according to the instructions for use with Fitosporin-M, experienced gardeners and gardeners often answer that the most suitable would be cloudy weather or evening time.

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In addition, you must remember that such a tool must be stored in a dark and dry place. The closet or attic is best for him. Be sure to ensure that this substance does not fall into the hands of children, and also that animals do not have access to it.

If bacteria are relatively safe for humans, this does not mean that they are not at all capable of doing any harm to them.Be careful, first of all, if the substance gets on the mucous membrane or skin, since the powder Fitosporin-M according to the instructions for use and reviews can cause irritation in these parts of the body, as well as cause an allergic reaction.

Remember that for most insects (except for harmful ones) this substance is not toxic, but for bees the drug can be deadly. For this reason, in no case do not carry out the treatment during the period of intensive flowering of plants, since useful insects can die due to this substance.

In the process of working with this substance, it is necessary to protect the body. Be sure to wear medical or rubber gloves. It’s not necessary to wear a special suit, but if you are allergic to new substances, it’s better not to risk it.

While you are using Fitosporin-M paste, the instructions for use and reviews recommend that you do not eat food, do not drink any liquids, or smoke. If these simple rules are not followed, the substance can get not only on the mucous membrane, but also inside your body, which will cause severe poisoning.

However, if the substance does get on your mucous membrane or inside the body, you must immediately drink a glass of warm water and induce vomiting. After such procedures, you should take a few tablets of activated carbon or Polysorb, as this will absorb all the remaining harmful elements.

seed treatment

It is very important to store this substance correctly. The bacteria in the product feel great at air temperatures from -50 to +40. Therefore, the storage of the drug, as a rule, does not cause any unnecessary problems.

When it is necessary to process the plant with Fitosporin-M

Many beginner gardeners are wondering - in what cases, according to the instructions for use, it is necessary to use Fitosporin-M for tomatoes and other vegetable crops. The use of this substance is recommended in the following cases:

  • when you only prepare the plant for sowing, since this will be for it the prevention of a variety of diseases that can lie in wait in the early stages of growth;
  • directly as a prophylaxis of plant diseases and from pathogenic bacteria, especially when approaching the summer season, at which the risk of infection is very high;
  • in order to increase immunity, both adult plants and only planted seedlings;
  • if the plants survived a period of severe weather, as well as in other stressful situations.

This tool works effectively for tomato seeds, which were hand-picked. If you yourself are drying the seeds for planting, then keep in mind that it is likely that these seeds are already infected with some disease and have a predisposition to attract harmful insects.

fertilizer for plants

Therefore, before disembarking, it is necessary to properly treat them with the drug Fitosporin-M. Take a glass of water and drip a few drops of the substance, then place the seeds there and leave for several hours. After that, remove the seeds from the solution and rinse them well, otherwise they will germinate longer.

After such a small bath you can be sure that the seeds are protected from all sorts of misfortunes.

How to use the substance

Phytosporin-M is not only useful for tomatoes, it is good for orchids, as well as for a huge number of other domestic plants.

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However, in the first place, it is important to know not only by what principle this substance works, but also how to use it correctly, following the instructions for use.

In no case do not use chlorinated water to dilute the substance, since chlorine tends to kill all beneficial bacteria. In addition, after you dilute the substance, give it time to stand for several hours, since beneficial bacteria need time to get out of suspended animation and begin to act.

There are several forms of release of this substance, so the method of application will be slightly different.

phytosporin for seedlings

If you use paste, it is recommended that you follow the following sequence:

  1. Take 100-200 g of the substance and combine with an identical amount of water. Leave in this position for several hours to let it brew. After this, it will be necessary to add more water so that the solution is not so concentrated.
  2. Tubers and plant roots are best sprayed from a spray bottle.
  3. Seeds of vegetables and flowers must be soaked in a glass of water and with the addition of a few drops of this substance.
  4. Take 10 drops per liter of water and spray indoor plants with this mixture for prevention.

If you use powder, then you must perform the following steps:

  1. The substance is divorced several hours before direct use. If you are going to soak bulbs or tubers, then take 10 g per liter of water and mix well. Let it brew a little, and after that you can already use it.
  2. Take half a teaspoon of the substance per 100 ml of water and mix well. In this solution, it is best to soak the seeds. However, it is necessary to soak a few hours before direct planting in the ground.
  3. Take 10 g of the substance in 5 liters of water and mix. Such a solution is perfect for the prevention of diseases of the root system of plants.

If you are using a liquid substance, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to know that it is recommended to use a liquid substance during the growing season of plants. Take 10 drops of liquid and dissolve them in a liter of water. Such a solution will need to treat the roots and tubers of plants.
  2. If the disease is only beginning to progress on your plant, then you need to take 20 drops per liter of water and properly process not only the upper part, but also the root system.
  3. If the fungus has already developed very strongly, it is urgent to make a solution in the ratio of 1: 2 and treat the plant. After two weeks, it is necessary to repeat for preventive purposes.
phytosporin spraying

Price Fitosporin-M and expiration date

The shelf life of this substance is no more than 4 years from the date of production, and this applies to any format.

Fitosporin-M has a low price. For a bag of powder of such a substance, manufacturers ask for only 26 rubles, a bottle of paste will cost you 89 rubles, and liquid - 86 rubles.

Fitosporin-M today is one of the most effective means to combat a variety of diseases and harmful insects. Alternative drugs exist, but they cannot be compared with Fitosporin in terms of strength.

Reviews about Fitosporin-M

Orlova Elena Ivanovna, 63 years old

Very effective remedy! I often use it myself and advise everyone I know. It helps to cope with fungus and harmful midges. Without washing the seeds in it, I never plant anything.

Kovalenko Daria Tikhonovna, 72 years old

I tried it once and I think that I will try to look for another remedy. I was not at all impressed. The leaves on the tomatoes are still kind of chubby, and the midges, although it has become a little less, but this is not easier. Maybe something else will help.

Palmov Georgy Ivanovich, 67 years old

Just a miracle cure! I use it every summer, and now I have the best tomatoes in the garden. All neighbors are jealous!

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