Buckwheat honey: useful properties and contraindications

2.08.2017 Country kitchen

Bortnichestvo was developed in Russia since ancient times. The knowledge of the beekeepers was inherited, because this occupation was highly revered. The richest estates of the princes were considered those where there were many apiaries. Selling honey in barrels! Among the varieties, buckwheat honey was highly valued, all the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we will consider in more detail.

What kind of honey is this?

In fact, it is a natural elixir. After all, he absorbed the juice of plants and earth, their smells and beneficial properties. Previously, when there was no refined sugar, it was honey that was the main sweet product. He was the main supplier of sucrose and glucose for the body, in a split, easily digestible form. In addition, the composition of nutrients takes a leading place.

The collection of buckwheat flowers is quite easy to distinguish from other types of honey in a characteristic dark color, with shades from reddish to brown. It has a peculiar smell and slightly bitterness, a tart taste. It crystallizes before other varieties.

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How to choose?

In order not to run into a fake, pay attention to the following points:

  • if you dip a spoon into it and slightly raise it, then it will drain with a viscous continuous stream;
  • in liquid form, there should be no precipitate in it;
  • it is completely soluble in a small amount of water, precipitate is excluded.

These are the most affordable ways. Well, purely practical advice. It is better to buy a natural product at specialized fairs, or from familiar beekeepers. After all, it is important to know where the nectar was collected by bees.

How to store the product and what is its average price

And one more thing that you need to pay attention to is viscosity. If it is too liquid, this indicates the immaturity of the product and that it contains an admixture of water. It was downloaded until the bees sealed the honeycombs. Such an immature product is not stored for a long time, it can exfoliate and even sour over time.

A mature, natural product lasts for years. He is not afraid of the cold, but loses part of his properties at temperatures above 20 degrees. Better stored in glass. It is not recommended to store in metal dishes, since the oxidation process may begin.

The price starts at 300 rubles per kilogram.

Healing properties

Buckwheat honey has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

Photo: Buckwheat honey

The benefits of honey from buckwheat flowers have been known for a long time. Healers and healers used it. Old recipes still exist, which are still used in cosmetology to improve facial skin. Of course, first of all, the product owes all its healing properties to the composition.

He is rich:

  1. Grape (glucose) and fruit (fruit) sugars. They were obtained by hydrolysis of sucrose under the influence of bee enzymes in the evidence. They are a source of energy that is quickly absorbed by the body.
  2. The increased iron content, as well as a wide range of trace elements (over 30) enriches the body with them, restores it.
  3. A saturated vitamin complex (groups B, E, C) makes up for their shortage.
  4. It contains a small amount of fats and proteins, but it is saturated with amino acids necessary in the human body.

It is introduced into diets for weight loss instead of sugar, since the calorie content of honey is lower. In addition, it is a substitute for sweets, for those who can not resist them.


First of all, they concern people who have an allergic reaction to the product.

In addition, in doses exceeding the norm (130 g per day), dermatological rashes may occur in the idea of ​​urticaria, possibly nausea.

Not recommended for use with fatty foods.

It is better for diabetics to consult a specialist in advance to determine a weighted rate.

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Buckwheat honey has rich beneficial properties for men and women (see also contraindications above). Nowadays, many people at work experience increased stress and fall into stressful situations. They lead to malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, hypertension.

Honey, due to its composition, microelements, makes blood vessels stronger. It has long been noticed that eating a spoonful of honey before bedtime, promotes a strong and relaxing holiday. Since it relaxes the nervous system, that is, it performs the function of an antidepressant.

In addition, now we spend a sufficient amount of time near computers, TVs. A natural product helps restore the retina.

Natural sugars are an excellent source of brain nutrition.

The human immune system is susceptible to stress, ecology, colds. Therefore often fail. Bee honey from buckwheat flowers has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the immune system. Restores its ability to resist vitamin deficiency and anemia (due to a sufficient amount of iron).

It displays free, harmful products of decay, free radicals.

Irregular food intake, poor-quality composition can cause imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of an ulcer. Natural elixir is indispensable in this case. Under its influence, digestion is normalized, sores are drawn out.

How and why use buckwheat honey?

Speaking about the beneficial properties of this product for women, we recall that the first month after the wedding is honey, and this is no coincidence. In ancient Russia, it was believed that the use of honey favorably affects conception. Therefore, the product was mandatory in the diet of young people, especially for women.

  1. It has a relaxing, anti-inflammatory, regenerative effect.
  2. Thanks to inhibitors, substances having antibacterial properties, it is used in gynecology.

Why use a bee product from a woman’s buckwheat:

  1. In gynecology: to fight against thrush, to heal small wounds, erosion.
  2. Climax: to normalize metabolic and hormonal processes, reduce stress background.
  3. Perfectly eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin.
  4. Wraps are used to combat cellulite.
  5. To eliminate thrush, tampons are used: an aloe leaf plus honey (150 g), passed through a meat grinder, at night. Douching with a solution of honey will help (1 proportion of honey-3 water).
  6. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​treated with a solution of honey with boiled water (1/2). Tampons can withstand for half a day.
  7. In order to get pregnant faster, you can use tampons made of honey and boiled water (half a glass per spoonful of color nectar). Or use dry poppy leaves with buckwheat honey (2 tablespoons of leaves per 250 grams of product). Take the infused mixture with your spouse (half a teaspoon per day).

In addition to the properties listed above, buckwheat honey is widely used in cosmetology. It is part of numerous masks, in combination with various natural ingredients.According to their usefulness, according to experts, they compete with expensive means. The bee product has a lifting effect. Eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin, therefore, it is recommended for acne, inflammation of its individual areas.

During pregnancy

Buckwheat honey has beneficial properties and contraindications during pregnancy. The period of bearing a child is associated with an increased load on the woman's body, because he has to work for two. Therefore, it needs enhanced replenishment with a complex of vitamins and minerals. In addition, during this period, restrictions are imposed on many drugs. It is for this reason that honey, especially dark varieties enriched with iron, is simply necessary.

Under one condition, the absence of an allergic reaction to its components.

What is the benefit of honey during the period of bearing a child:

  • is a deputy of synthetic drugs for colds, respiratory diseases;
  • a natural product is a natural stimulator of the circulatory system, which favorably affects the muscle tone of the uterus and other organs;
  • high iron content prevents anemia;
  • included in the complex of supportive and stimulating agents for complex and difficult births;
  • honey applications make the skin more elastic, which prevents stretch marks;
  • amino acids, vitamin complex, microelements are extremely important for the future mother, because they are the source of building material for the formation of the fetus;
  • stimulates the intestines: prevents constipation, relieves symptoms of toxicosis.

Therefore, a natural bee product from buckwheat is indispensable during pregnancy (if there are no allergic contraindications). Our ancestors also knew this, so the diet included a large number of dishes with the addition of honey. Especially in combination with dairy low-fat products. Since they are the main source of calcium.


Many reviews speak about the effectiveness of using a natural product.

Katya sent thanks to her doctor:

“Anastasia Vasilievna is a good professional and wise woman. I had a number of problems during pregnancy. She advised me to eat 2 tablespoons of buckwheat honey daily. At first I was skeptical, I thought that drugs were better. But within a week, the condition improved, nausea passed, and stool improved. Thanks for the recommendation. "

Anatoly sent a letter to his doctor:

“Pavel Vladimirovich, instead of expensive pills, advised me to eat buckwheat honey. Indeed, after some time my condition improved. The dream was established, the attacks of tachycardia stopped, the pressure decreased. The main thing is that this treatment is without side effects. Thank".

Indeed, natural bee honey from buckwheat is a storehouse of useful properties and components for the body.

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