How to care for cucumbers in a greenhouse from planting to harvest

22.09.2016 Cucumbers

Cucumber care in the greenhouse from planting to harvest, videoWhat temperature should be maintained in the greenhouse

The greenhouse was so named for the reason that it has additional heating, and favorable air temperature is the main criterion in growing new plants in a still cool time. Only if the gardener can maintain a certain temperature in the room, then the plants can feel good and bring a wonderful harvest. To begin with, it is worth considering that seedlings will normally grow and develop only at an air temperature of about twenty degrees in the daytime, and in the evening it is quite possible to slightly reduce the air temperature by a couple of degrees. It is this temperature that must be maintained for growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

When the fruit bearing season begins, it’s worth learning about how to care for cucumbers in the greenhouse from planting to harvest (video), because when the first fruits appear on plants, the air temperature should be higher than during the growth and development of small bushes. The temperature of the soil can be at around twenty-four degrees, and the air warms up to twenty-eight degrees on a sunny day, in cloudy weather you can lower the mark of the thermometer by five degrees, at night the air should warm up to at least twenty degrees. It is very important to monitor the temperature, if there is a sharp cooling or overheating of the air, this will not work for the benefit of plants, it is especially badly affected by the strong cooling of the soil and air in the room.

Cucumber care in the greenhouse from planting to harvest, video

How to maintain room humidity?

It is very convenient to grow various vegetables in the greenhouse, all because the cucumbers can be in a rather humid room, so during flowering and growth the bushes should be in a room with humidity up to eighty percent, when the time comes to bear fruit, you have to raise the level moisture up to ninety percent. To achieve this percentage of moisture, it is necessary to water and spray the plants correctly and on time.

The correct process of watering plants

Caring for cucumbers in the greenhouse from planting to harvest (video) also implies constant moistening of the soil, while plants really do not like excess moisture, and if there is little water, the cucumbers will get a bitter taste. Irrigation liquid is used exclusively in the form of heat, you can bring water to twenty-five degrees Celsius, but you can not boil it. Before the bushes begin to bear fruit, it is worth watering the soil no more than once every three days, since the sun does not evaporate moisture from the soil, as soon as the first fruit ovary appears, watering is done every day, while using seven liters of liquid per square meter of soil .

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Cucumber care in the greenhouse from planting to harvest, video

Different methods of watering are used to care for cucumbers in the greenhouse from planting to harvest (video), the only exception is the subsoil method, since it is not recommended to use it in the greenhouse. It is best to use various watering cans with a spray or a hose with a nozzle, this will make it possible to water not only the soil itself, but also to spray the leafy part of the plant. Well, in order to increase humidity in a greenhouse, it is necessary to water all the paths and walls in the room, and after watering it is recommended to open the front door and windows to ventilate, this will help to avoid moisture stagnation, that is, the liquid will evaporate and increase humidity.Need to know about how to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse with folk remedies.

There is also a little trick of how to water the plants, if everything is done correctly, then it will turn out to significantly increase the appearance of female flowers, and therefore more fruit ovaries will appear. To make fruiting more plentiful, it is recommended to reduce the amount of soil moistening quite a bit, and as soon as the plants are suitable at the time of flowering, it is enough to water again, as before.

Cucumber care in the greenhouse from planting to harvest

Is there a need for complementary foods?

Proper care of cucumbers in the greenhouse from planting to harvest (video) should also include additional fertilizing the soil with useful substances, the thing is that if there are a lot of substances in the open ground, then in the racks and boxes in which the seedlings grow, useful components may not be enough, for this reason, and fertilize plants. As gardeners recommend, in a greenhouse it is worth fertilizing cucumbers every ten days by irrigation with mineral fertilizers applied under the root of the plant. As summer residents say, such baits should be alternated, first they water, and after ten days they spray the plant with a weaker solution. If root top dressing works best in sunny weather, leaf foliage helps to improve growth and fruiting only on cloudy days.

Cucumber care in the greenhouse, video

In some cases, plants need special micronutrient supplementation, it is important to carry it out when it is rather cloudy on the street, and the room lighting is too small to give small plants enough light. Such complementary foods are introduced under the root and are made sufficiently no more than two times per month.

Also cucumbers need bush formation, for this, pinching is mandatory when the bush grows to fifteen centimeters, if the plant has already reached twenty centimeters, then this procedure will not increase productivity. Each bush must be let on a rope or wire, so it will be easier for the gardener to harvest, and the lashes of the plant will not interfere underfoot when watering and fertilizing the soil.

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