Growing cucumbers in bags step by step

21.09.2016 Cucumbers

Bagged cucumbers: growing step by stepA big plus of this cultivation compared to growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse It is that urban residents can simply buy seedlings, an empty bag and soil, but summer residents will save a lot of space for planting other vegetable crops in the garden. In addition, this process is very entertaining, because the plants themselves are not planted on the usual beds, but in ordinary bags, how to carry out such a procedure will be described in detail in this article.

How to prepare a place for planting sprouts

To know how to plant cucumbers in bags, growing step by step will help the gardener to learn in detail about this procedure, now it’s worthwhile to talk about how the impromptu beds are prepared. The first thing, of course, is to select the container in which the vegetables will be grown, in our case it’s worth choosing good bags, ideally if they are made of fabric, but other types of containers can also be taken. You will also need seedlings themselves, a cord, several wooden sticks, the soil itself for planting and a tube with holes.

It is very important to prepare all the bags before all the land is filled there, for this a bag is taken in which the plants will be planted, it is very important to use tight containers, a sugar bag or a plastic bag will do, as they will not let moisture in. It is best to use bags with capacities from seventy liters to one hundred and twenty, you also need to take a large stick two meters high, on which one nail is hammered at the top, you need to attach a fishing line to such a clove, it is on it that the vegetable branches will grow up so that the twigs do not interfere underfoot on the balcony.

Bagged cucumbers: growing step by step

Holes of five millimeters each are made in each tube, while they are staggered, the tube itself has the same height as the bag. The bottom must be covered with plasticine or other convenient material. It is also worth doing soil preparation, for this, purchased soil is mixed with rotted manure in order to achieve greater fertility. Since all the materials for the cucumbers in bags (growing a step-by-step video) are already ready, you can begin the process of preparing the garden itself. Can also grow cucumbers in a barrel - The fastest and most effective way.

How is the preparation process

First you need to install a pallet, after which bags are placed on it, then three fourths of the soil are poured into each bag, and then everyone is rewound with tape along the entire circumference of the bag, this will help to avoid breaking the bag. A stick with a fishing line is driven into each bag in the very center, and around this stick it is necessary to install three tubes, while they are installed in a circle and should be at least ten centimeters from the installation.

Bagged Cucumbers: Growing

To understand how to plant cucumbers in bags, the cultivation step by step (photo) must be performed exactly as described in the article. Now, it is necessary to make several holes on the bag itself, for this cuts are made in the form of a triangle, its sides are three or four centimeters, the cuts need no more than twelve pieces. Thus, a fully prepared place for planting small plants in a package is obtained, you can start planting seedlings in the prepared soil.

How to properly plant cucumbers

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Now you can plant our planting, but in order to get the right cucumbers in bags, cultivation (step by step from the photo) should be carried out under strict control. On such a bed there are two options for planting a plant, it is possible to plant only seeds, or you can grow them yourself or buy ready-made seedlings, in the second case, cucumbers will give their crop much faster.

If seedlings are used, then it will be necessary to prepare it, that is, it is necessary to grow small plants from the seeds, and when three leaves are already formed on them, then each seedling is transferred to such a bag. To get a properly planted area, you need to plant only three small shoots on the surface, and the remaining seedlings are placed in holes with the ground that have already been prepared, planting is perpendicular to the soil itself.

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Now it’s worth talking about the correct planting of seeds in order to plant small seeds, small holes are made on the surface, in which no more than three pieces are placed, the rest of the seeds must be planted in the holes on the bag, this must be done very carefully, this sowing should be done no later than the end May, but this should not be done earlier, of course, if cucumbers in bags are grown (step by step) in a greenhouse, then it is quite possible to plant a little earlier, so that the crop is ready in the summer.

Cucumbers in bags

It is worth considering a small nuance, if you just plant the seeds in cups for seedlings, then the first sprouts will be visible only after a couple of weeks, but in the bags the seeds give greens a little earlier. This behavior helps the sprouts to grow rapidly, which will lead to a fairly large crop. But what kind of planting method was chosen is not so important, since the plants will have to be watered through the prepared pipes, for this reason holes were made in them so that water could seep into the deepest layers of the soil in the bag.

How to properly care for such plants

There are several rules that will help not only to properly grow seedlings, but also to get a more abundant crop at home. It is worth noting that in bags, seedlings will require much less care than plants from a greenhouse or open ground, for this reason it is worth describing the main points of care for small plants.

To begin with, watering is taken into account, since cucumbers simply need it, like any other vegetable, but since polyethylene can not remove excess moisture, water can stagnate in the soil, which will lead to rotting of the roots and destruction of the crop. That is why it is worth watering much less often than other vegetables in an ordinary garden or in a greenhouse, you just need to monitor the condition of the soil to find out about the need for moisture.

Cucumbers in bags step by step

Usually such plants are watered no more than once every three days, but in especially dry periods, hydration may be required a little more often. It is very important to use water that has a temperature of no more than twenty-three degrees, but also at least twenty-two. Need to choose the right outdoor cucumbersto get a big crop of vegetables.

Fertilizing is also necessary for cucumbers to produce complementary foods; you need to use any additives that are used to feed the soil in greenhouses. It is enough to make a nutrient solution, and after that to water the soil through the prepared tubules, in this case, useful substances will approach the roots of each plant more evenly.

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    Thank you, your experiments are always very interesting to me! good luck to you

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