Eucharis (Amazonian lily) - why it does not bloom, signs and superstitions

15.02.2019 Flowers

Eucharis is a beautiful flower from humid American forests. He first came to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Tender eucharis quickly occupied its niche in garden and indoor floriculture. Its popularity continues to grow. The flower can also be found under the name Amazonian Lily. This definition is due to the great concentration of this culture in the Amazon. With lilies, it is associated with lanceolate leaves and a delicate aroma.

Caring for the plant at home implies the creation of a microclimate as close as possible to the natural habitat of eucharis. Even a beginner grower will cope with the cultivation. The main thing is to follow all the rules for keeping the flower, take into account the recommendations of specialists.

Characteristics of a houseplant eucharis

Eucharis is a bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. In nature, it can be found in the forests of Central and South America.

Bulbs of an adult flower reach from 2 to 6 cm in diameter. Leaves are wide, lanceolate. They can grow up to half a meter in length. The plates are mounted on elongated petioles. The surface of the leaves is wrinkled, dark green in color. Eucharis growing in the natural environment can only have 2-4 leaves on one bush at a time. Indoor hybrids of leaves are an order of magnitude larger.

The decorative value of the plant is its flowers. The flowering period most often occurs in the spring. Flowers look like daffodils.

About 20 species of this plant are known. The following types are considered the most common:

  1. Large-flowered - blooms 3 times a year.
  2. White - flowering in March and September.
  3. Masters - blooms from March to May.
  4. Sandera - flowering from February to April.
  5. Toothless - blooms in late March.
  6. Amazonian - blooms in February.

Eucharis blooms with snow-white flowers with a pronounced pleasant aroma.

Signs and superstitions associated with eucharis

Amazonian Lily protects women from a variety of troubles, including from the evil eye and damage. In the homeland of eucharis, they decided to decorate the bride. It is believed that the flower in the hair blesses the girl for a happy family life and becomes a talisman of the newlyweds. The additional presence of eucharis in the wedding bouquet will only enhance the effect of the amulet.

Such signs and superstitions are associated with the plant:

  1. If the lily suddenly withered, it means that someone from the family was spoiled. The plant takes on all the negative energy and dies.
  2. The appearance of a peduncle with three flowers predicts pregnancy. The third bud symbolizes the baby.

    Eucharis does not bloom
    Eucharis does not bloom
  3. If eucharis does not bloom, you need to properly analyze family relationships. The lack of flowering indicates a tense atmosphere at home.

Flower cultivation is welcome in families with young children. It is believed that it contributes to the development of mental abilities and talents of the child. There is a belief that the flower absorbs children's fears, soothing babies. But it should be remembered that eucharis is poisonous, therefore, it is not worth allowing the child to touch it.

Feng Shui recommends this plant as a powerful generator of positive energy.According to Taoist practice, it absorbs the negative energy of the sha, transforming it into a beneficial chi.

The plant has a positive effect on marital relations and eliminates conflicts between parents and children. It possesses especially powerful energy during flowering. During this period, he is able to drive away depression, uncertainty, apathy, laziness and gloomy thoughts.

Specialists recommend placing the flower in dormitory rooms. It should be noted that not all indoor plants will be happy with such a neighbor. Therefore, it is desirable to grow the flower separately from other crops.

Rules for home care for eucharis

Plant care at home is easy. If you follow the recommendations of experts, eucharis will delight with its flowers up to 3 times per year.

Watering and feeding

Like all bulbs, eucharis should be watered carefully. Overmoistening and stagnation of moisture in the pan of the pot contributes to the development of rot.

It is recommended to water the flower every 3 days in small portions of water. During dormancy, it is watered less often, focusing on soil moisture: watering is carried out only after the upper half of the soil has dried.

The temperature of water for irrigation should correspond to the temperature of the room in which the flower is located. If household water is used, it must first be defended during the day. It is desirable to filter such water.

Feeding is carried out only during the active growth and flowering of eucharis. Fertilizer is administered every 2 weeks. Liquid fertilizers are preferred. It is advisable to alternate organics and minerals. Complexes for decorative flowering plants are suitable for a flower, but it is recommended to choose fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.

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Lighting and temperature

The plant is not demanding on lighting. Despite the fact that it is not considered a shade-loving plant, eucharis can feel comfortable in partial shade.

You can place a flower pot on the western, eastern window sills or next to them. The north side is also suitable for growing a flower, but then it needs to be placed closer to the light source: on the windowsill or in close proximity to the window. On the south side, eucharis requires shading. The direct rays of the midday sun leave burns on the leaves of the plant.

It is very important not to allow sharp jumps in temperature. Swings greater than 7 ℃ are harmful to the plant. Therefore, eucharis is not recommended to be taken to the street, where the air temperature in the day is very different from night temperature.

During active growth, the flower is recommended to be kept at a temperature of 18 ℃ to 22 ℃. He does not tolerate heat and cold. During rest, the temperature is gradually reduced to 15 ℃ - 17 ℃.

When placing the pot, it should be borne in mind that the flower is sick in the draft. Therefore, it is better to keep it in rooms with dull windows away from the front door.

Rest period

Compliance with this period is very important. Flowering ornamental plants, it is necessary to restore strength and prepare for new flowering. Not rested plant can throw out small buds or refuse flowering altogether.

The rest period for eucharis begins after flowering. As a rule, it lasts a month, but sometimes it can take up to 1.5 months. The flower is moved to a cooler room, preferably at partial shade. Watering is reduced, and feeding is canceled. It is impossible to transplant and injure the leaves of eucharis in this period, you can only cut off worn flower stalks.

The rest period of eucharis
The rest period of eucharis

The plant signals the exit from hibernation with new leaves. As soon as the first leaf blooms, normal care for eucharis resumes.

Transplanting and breeding houses

A plant transplant is recommended in March.The phased transfer scheme is as follows:

  1. The flower is freed from the old soil. If the roots are strongly tangled, soaking is allowed.

    Transplant Preparation
    Transplant Preparation
  2. Bulbs and roots are carefully inspected for rot. If it was discovered, it is carefully cleaned. Damaged places must be treated with an antiseptic and fungicides, otherwise rot will develop further.
  3. At the bottom of the pot lay a drainage layer of expanded clay, pebbles or other similar material.
  4. Equal parts of sand and peat are mixed with compost. Its amount should be equal to the amount of sand and peat combined. The resulting mixture is filled in the pot.
  5. The bulb is placed on a layer of soil. It is covered with a three-centimeter layer of soil.

    Planting bulbs
    Planting bulbs

A transplant is carried out every 3 years. More frequent transplants or their absence can lead to the death of the plant. The procedure can not be carried out during flowering.

Eucharis can be propagated by seeds and children. At home, the second method of reproduction is preferred.

On the bulbs of the plant, children form over time. When transplanting, daughter bulbs are carefully separated from the mother and planted separately. Places of division must be treated with an antiseptic. To do this, use crushed activated or charcoal. Young bulbs are planted shallow. The soil layer with which they are covered should be ½ the size of the bulb.

Why doesn't eucharis bloom?

Lack of flowering can be caused by a number of reasons. Most often this is due to neglect of the rules for growing or infecting a flower with pests.

Care problems

If eucharis does not bloom, then in order for it to bloom, it is necessary to reconsider the organization of plant care. The following factors can affect flowering:

  1. Location A flower needs a lot of space. On narrow window sills and shelves it will be crowded. Eucharis also does not bloom in the draft.
  2. Temperature. Failure to comply with the recommended temperature regime and sharp jumps in the thermometer do not contribute to flowering.
  3. Watering. Eucharis sharply reacts to failures in the humidification mode. From waterlogging, the roots rot, and from a lack of moisture, the flower discards the leaves. In this state, the plant will not bloom.
  4. Humidity and leaf hygiene. The level of humidity does not particularly affect flowering. The exception is only very dry air. For successful flowering, leaf hygiene is essential. The dust settling on the plates clogs the pores and interferes with the metabolic processes of the plant.
  5. Feeding. Properly organized feeding contributes to flowering. But non-compliance with the frequency of introduction of fertilizers and their dosage leads to damage to the root system of the plant.
The reason for the lack of flowering can also be incorrectly selected planting depth. A very deep bulb will actively form children at the expense of flowering.

Pests and the fight against them

Eucharis may not bloom due to pest damage. Most often, such harmful insects attack the flower:

  1. Shield. The pest can be identified by dark spots on the inside of the sheet.
  2. Aphid. As a rule, aphids attack in large groups that completely fill the surface of the stem.
  3. Spider mite. This pest cannot be seen with the naked eye. You can determine the tick infection by the thinnest cobweb on the leaves and stems of the plant.

    Spider mite
    Spider mite
  4. Mealybug. Defeat by this pest is accompanied by folding of the leaf plate with a tube. Inside the folded sheet you can see a small whitish worm.

Insecticides are used to combat harmful insects.

What to do to stimulate flowering?

Flowering eucharis can be stimulated. To do this, arrange an unscheduled rest period for the flower. In winter, the plant is placed in a cool room, watering is cut and fertilizers are completely canceled.In spring, the flower is placed in its usual conditions and resume standard care. As a result of these actions, eucharis will certainly bloom in the spring.

On a note!
Experienced flower growers are not advised to often stimulate flowering. The procedure creates a flower stressful situation. From this, the plant gets very tired and grow old faster. Stimulation can only be done once every 2-3 years.

Common flower growing questions

Is it obligatory to take a flower to the balcony in summer?
Some sources recommend taking Amazonian Lily to the balcony or garden. But it should be borne in mind that there it can suffer from the difference in day and night temperatures.
How many times a year can eucharis bloom?
The number of flowering periods depends on the species of the flower and the quality of care for it. For 1 year of flowering, you can achieve a maximum of three times.
Is it true that a flower does not like transplants?
Amazonian lily experiences great stress during transplantation, so this procedure is carried out every 3 years. But if the bulb becomes crowded in a pot, it is transplanted unscheduled.
Does the plant need support?
Usually the plant can withstand the mass of its leaves. But after a transplant, it weakens for a while, and the leaves can pull it to the side. To prevent this from happening, an annular support is installed for the leaves. By the way, the leaves collected by the ring enhance the decorative appearance of the flower.

Eucharis is a delicate plant with high decorative value. Despite this, caring for it is not burdensome. With a competent approach, even a beginner florist can cope with the cultivation.

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar


    Amazonian lily is a fairly resistant plant to various troubles. All problems of Eukharis occur with specimens weakened due to care errors and are mostly resolved by correction of containment methods.

    To answer

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