Baked potato with crisp

13.03.2019 Country kitchen

Potatoes are one of the most common and affordable vegetables on our tables. From it you can cook many options for a delicious side dish. This can be fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, jacket potatoes or baked in the oven. The last option is worth stopping.

Do you know how to cook an incredibly tasty potato with a very crispy and fried crust in the oven? Now we will share with you a simple and completely uncomplicated recipe with step-by-step photos.

First you need to choose the right potato. A good potato should be firm, firm, and should have a smooth peel. There should not be any green pigment spots on the tubers - this may unsuccessfully affect the taste. For baking, the potato that contains the most starch is most suitable. It will not fall apart, but at the same time it will be soft and tender inside, and crispy outside.

Such potatoes can be served as a side dish for any kind of meat or fish, as well as an independent dish along with vegetables or salads.

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Here you can use any spices that you like. Their composition will naturally affect the taste of potatoes.


  • potatoes - 600 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground pepper - ½ teaspoon.


How to bake potatoes in a crisp oven

Cut the potatoes into equal, not too small slices. It is advisable to dry the slices in order to make the crust more crispy.

cut potatoes into slices

Mix pepper with salt and any spices, such as paprika, and add garlic, which can be minced in the garlic.

mix garlic and spices

Pour the vegetable oil into the seasonings and mix well - you get a potato dressing.

pour in vegetable oil

Put potatoes in a bowl with spices and mix very well, so that each potato slice is coated on all sides.

mix potatoes with dressing

Take a baking sheet, place baking paper or foil on it. Smear a little with vegetable oil and spread the pieces of potatoes in one layer. If you have a little dressing left, you can once again coat the top of the potato with it.

survive potatoes on a baking sheet

Put in the oven and cook until golden brown for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

bake potatoes oven-baked potatoes ready

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