Monstera - why you can not keep at home, signs and superstitions

15.02.2019 Flowers

Ornamental greens, which has not only an aesthetic function, but also purifies polluted air and releases the necessary oxygen to a person, became a common decoration in residential premises and offices. Nevertheless, some plants are notorious and are ignored due to popular signs and superstitions. The tropical monstera vine is a great option for decorating the study and the hall, but at the same time there are many beliefs about why it should never be grown and kept at home.

The plant is characterized as a harbinger of family adversity and an absorber of energy, as well as a potential source of danger due to the presence of poison. Of course, superstitions do not stand up to criticism and have no scientific justification. However, to believe them or not is a person’s personal choice. In addition, not all beliefs associated with liana have a negative color.

Description of Monstera Creeper

Monstera was brought to Asia and from there it came to our country, and its homeland is the tropical forests of Guatemala and Brazil, where it grows in natural conditions. This is a perennial creeper that scientists relate to the Aroid family, it has more than 30 different species, some of which are cultivated for cultivation at home. The name of the flower in translation means "amazing, bizarre," and the people call it "crybaby."

The following features are characteristic of a monstera:

  • large green leaves that change shape depending on age: in young they are heart-shaped, and in adult plants they become cut with holes of various shapes;
  • wax surface of leaves;
  • the presence of gidators on the foliage;
  • growth point, which is located on top of the stem;
  • aerial roots numbing with age;
  • small flowers of white and light green hue, forming an inflorescence-cob;
  • cob fruit with the smell of pineapple, appearing after flowering.

When growing a house, a plant can reach 3-6 meters in height with sufficient space and a large flowerpot. As a representative of the tropics, Monstera prefers diffuse lighting and high humidity, so you should not put it on a windowsill with direct sunlight and you must constantly spray it, especially in the summer. During the growing season, water the flower abundantly and fertilize several times a month.

On a note!
Preferred is a temperature in the range of + 18-23 degrees.
To form a lush bush, the top of the stem should be cut, this stimulates the appearance of lateral shoots and gives splendor. Adhering to simple rules, you can grow a beautiful and healthy decorative decoration of the interior.

Why can’t you keep the monstera at home?

Despite the fact that this liana appeared in dwellings for a long time, many are still wondering if it can be grown at home. This dilemma has arisen against the background of many superstitions associated with the plant.

Negative signs and superstition about the flower

Despite the fact that the plant is quite popular among flower growers, there are conflicting signs and beliefs associated with it. The most popular of them are as follows:

  1. At night, the flower absorbs a lot of oxygen, and a person who is in the same room with him can suffocate during sleep.
  2. Being an energetic vampire, a plant damages a person’s aura and various troubles and diseases begin in his life.

    Signs about the monster
    Signs about the monster
  3. It is contraindicated for unmarried girls and women to grow a monstera, since it has a negative effect on men: drives them away, destroys relationships.
  4. The appearance of the plant and its twisted roots show its evil nature and do not promise anything good to those who grow it at home.

Harm to human health

Talk that the flower in question is harmful to human life began because of the stories of travelers who saw it in their natural habitat. People found skulls and skeletons in the topical jungle, and bright monstera leaves sprouted through their bones. Because of this, it began to be believed that such greens kill a person.

Monstera in the room
Monstera in the room

In fact, there is some truth in this statement, and it is associated with two factors: foliage and venom of the crybaby. Due to the large area of ​​leaves, the plant emits a lot of carbon dioxide in the process of its growth and development, which is a normal and natural phenomenon, but still some people fear that, due to its size, greens can affect the functioning of the human respiratory system.

However, in fact, the monstera is not able to emit such an amount of carbon dioxide that can disrupt the human breath.

The second fear regarding growing monstera is related to the poison that is inside the leaves and stems. When it gets on the mucous membrane, signs of suffocation appear, and allergies can also occur in the form of a rash or itching when in contact with the skin. The ingestion of toxic substances in the body is possible when chewing the leaves of the plant.

People with a rich imagination can see monsters from movies or childhood dreams in their outlines. Twisted roots and leaves resemble hands with spread fingers. Such visions may bother them in the evening and at night. Of course, you should not hold a flower if it causes such negative associations, because a healthy nervous system is more important.

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The benefits of plants for humans

In the eastern tradition, there is a completely different opinion about this decorative culture. In Asia, the plant is a powerful talisman, providing its owner with prosperity, longevity and good luck. If a sick person is in the house, then for a speedy recovery it is necessary to put a crybaby next to him, she is a good healer of ailments.

Monstera will not let trouble, bad weather and even bad people into the house if you put it near the entrance or on the doorstep, the Chinese believe.

It is customary to give an unusual creeper at wedding ceremonies to newlyweds, it is believed that it will bring peace and a long happy life to a young family.

Esotericists believe in the positive energy of the plant and argue that next to the monster the thoughts of a person become clear and it is much easier for him to solve his problems and find a way out of a difficult situation. Also, in the esoteric tradition, it is customary to consider a flower as a powerful absorber of negative energy, able to balance and eliminate its effect on the atmosphere in the house.

In practice, Feng Shui is also familiar with this flower, it is customary to use it to eliminate chaos and restore order in different areas of life. In addition, the monstera helps to build harmonious and equal relations between partners, say experts on the ancient trend.

As can be seen from the above signs and superstitions, they are quite controversial and depend on both cultural characteristics and people's perception of the world.

For those who do not believe in the myths and superstitions associated with this type of creeper, it will be interesting to know that a monstera can bring many benefits to the house in which it lives:

  • able to absorb harmful substances in the air;
  • enriches the room with oxygen;
  • has an inhibitory effect on microorganisms, viruses and fungi;
  • humidifies the air in the room;
  • has the function of a “natural barometer": the appearance of moisture droplets on its leaves always precedes rain;
  • absorbs electromagnetic waves from a microwave, refrigerator and other appliances;
  • ionizes the air in the house;
  • performs the function of decorating any room;
  • according to Eastern wisdom, improves brain function and memory.
Monstera in the bedroom
Monstera in the bedroom

Unlike popular superstitions, these facts have been verified and confirmed by scientific studies indicating the need to plant a plant not only for the purpose of decorating space, but also for health benefits.

Rules for the safe keeping of monsters at home

Due to the presence of toxic substances in the plant, small children should be protected from contact with the flower. Having broken off part of the plant, they can get burns of delicate skin or gnaw a flower, which is also unsafe for the child's body. The same principle applies to people with pets. For them, the poison of a monstera can be deadly.

On the leaves of the decorative flower there are small needles that are invisible to the eye, which can also injure and injure the mucous membrane when licking beautiful greenery.

Since with age, the monstera becomes heavy and massive due to the stiffness of the roots and large bulky leaves, you need to tie it to a reliable support so that it does not fall and does not damage adjacent furniture, flowers or injure a person. It is also important to choose the right pot size for her in order to prevent the fall of the vine from the ground due to the weight.

Common Growing Questions

Is the monstera poisonous?
Liana really contains toxic substances, but their concentration is small, they can not penetrate into the air or into the human body from the air. This is possible only when eating any part of the flower, except for ripe fruits (they are safe).
What place is suitable for the plant in the house?
The flower will feel good in a slightly shaded place with enough light. Since the monstera absorbs harmful substances and radiation, the kitchen is a great place for it.
Is it useful to keep a monster in the office?
The flower is well suited for office-type rooms, because it is able to emit a lot of oxygen and absorb waves from electrical appliances, which is very important for crowded rooms. In addition, there is an opinion that the plant helps to focus and encourages decision-making.
Who is undesirable to keep a flower in the house, according to legends?
Popular wisdom says that it is extremely undesirable for young girls and unmarried women to have a monster in their home, and especially bring the stronger sex to the room where the flower is, because because of its poor energy, it can scare a man and bring discord into the relationship that has just begun.

Monstera is an excellent solution for landscaping not only at home, but also the workspace. Belief in superstition associated with the negative impact of a flower depends on religion, culture and upbringing of a person. In general, a plant can bring many benefits by purifying indoor air.

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