Crassula (Money tree): home care, transplantation and reproduction

21.01.2019 Flowers

Despite the present, man does not cease to surround himself with talismans and amulets. In his opinion, they protect him from failures and help to achieve certain heights in life. And such a houseplant as a fat girl, which many know under a different name - money tree and is such a talisman.

Many people believe that such a green space can attract money, and in appearance it is possible to draw conclusions about how its owner lives. Grow a fat girl at home The conditions are simple enough, care does not require special skills and experience, so it can be safely recommended even to those who have never had a chance to grow a houseplant.

Money tree care after purchase

Money tree can be sprouted from cuttings, seeds or leaves, but if the plant was purchased in a store, then you need to learn certain rules:

  1. In order for the money tree to adapt to the new conditions for it, the pot with the planting is immediately put in the place where it will always stand, but the fat girl needs to be shaded and left for 14 days.
  2. For watering, warm water is used and only with strong drying of the soil, and it is also necessary to wipe the leaves.
  3. If a young sapling is only after two weeks of adaptation it should be transplanted into a pot with fresh soil, for 14 weeks the plant is not watered, it is only sprayed and a penumbra is created for this period.
  4. If the fat woman is already an adult plant, then it does not need a new place, they just carry out the proper care at home.
A money tree bought in a store must adapt to new conditions for it.

Growing a fat woman at home

Money tree is such a plant, care for which at home will not bring much care. The fat woman came from sunny countries with an arid climate, so she easily tolerates the heat and the frequent change of air masses. Having studied the basic requirements, such a tree of luck will be able to grow even a novice grower.

Temperature mode

The uniqueness of the money tree is that it can take root in any conditions, but the temperature suitable for the plant in the room is 18-25 degrees. And at the same time, the opposite between the temperature at night and day in the range from 5 to 10 degrees is very important.

In the fall, the fat woman begins her preparation for the rest period, so the temperature must be lowered, but gradually. And in winter, the temperature regime should not exceed +15 degrees. So, the pot with the plant should be away from batteries and other heating appliances, better closer to the glass. It is very important to monitor the plant in order to prevent its hypothermia.

Air humidity

The fat woman not only perceives heat well, but also low moisture content in the room. In addition, it is a moist microenvironment that can be harmful, therefore, under such conditions, a money tree should not be watered often.

Do not spray the plant, but the leaves must be constantly wiped from dust. Also, the fat woman needs a change in air masses, especially in the summer, so she can be taken out onto the terrace or just aired the room, the main thing is to prevent drafts.


The fat girl adores the light, so it should grow in diffused sunlight. The plant calmly accepts the sun's rays, the main thing is that the leaves do not touch the glass, so the fatty woman can get burns. If a plant suffers from a lack of light, then it immediately changes its attractive appearance to a painful one, becomes oppressed. Therefore, the monetary tree should not be kept in the shade for a long time.

A money tree needs to be deployed every day relative to the main light source, so the branches will comprehensively develop and the decorativeness of the crown will be preserved.

Plant location

Since the money tree is a photophilous plant, therefore, care for it is to find a place for it on the window of the southeast side of the house at home. It is such an elite place that will protect leaflets from burns and provide for him a comfortable stay in the house.

Of course, the fat girl can be put on the south side, but in summer you need to shade the plant. If the plant could not find a place other than the north and west sides of the house, then it is worthwhile to provide it with additional lighting, especially in winter.

Watering mode

Even in the warm season, the fat girl needs to be watered with restraint, but constantly. To make the next watering, the soil in the pot must be at least half dry, and the water must be taken upright and warm. Abundant watering can ruin the roots and the plant itself.

During dormancy, there is a lot of moisture in the leaves of the plant, so watering needs to be canceled and only with strong drying of the soil spraying is allowed.

Money tree can easily do without water for a rather long period of time, but overmoistening can harm it.

Top dressing

The birthplace of the money tree is soil with a low content of nutrients, so this plant does not really like top dressing. In winter, they should be completely abandoned, and in the rest of the period it is enough to fertilize the earth once a month. It is also worth considering that you need to feed the plant only after watering, so as not to burn the roots.

But it is strictly forbidden to use fertilizers for diseased seedlings or just replanted fertilizers, this can cause the death of the plant. As a top dressing, you can take fertilizers for cacti, which are best alternated with regular or mineral organics.


The fat woman has its weaknesses, one of them is a transplant, to which the money tree is mistrustful. This procedure is acute only in case of urgent need and very carefully.

You may be interested in:
  1. The transplantation of young seedlings is carried out only in the spring, when they begin rapid growth. It is also better to transplant the purchased plant into good soil and into a pot that is suitable for it in volume, but only after that it has passed adaptation. An adult plant should be transplanted as it grows, but not every year, but after three.
  2. The fat woman has brittle roots and brittle branches, so the plant must be carefully removed from the old pot and, together with the earthen lump, transferred to a new one and sprinkled with fresh soil, slightly compacting it around the edges.
  3. In order for the money tree to adapt quickly to new soil, do not deepen the trunk much, the surface of the earth should be at the level at which the root neck will remain intact.
  4. Over time, the soil becomes unusable and needs to be replaced. To do this, they clean all the old earth from the roots, trim if necessary, all sections are necessarily treated with activated carbon. Then the plant is placed in new soil, watered and transferred to a cool place for 14 days.
To transplant a plant, you need to buy a volumetric pot with a reliable bottom, which must be covered with drainage pebbles. This is the only way to prevent the plant from breaking down.

Reproduction of the fat woman

Money tree provides several methods of reproduction - cuttings, leaves and seeds. The most time-consuming method is sowing seeds, which does not guarantee that the fat woman will look like a mother plant.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation of the money tree by cuttings occurs as follows: first you need to carefully examine the mother plant, select a developed shoot 10-12 cm tall, cut it off and leave it for 24 hours so that it fades slightly.

Next, rooting in water or in the ground is carried out:

  1. Rooting in water. The lower leaves are cut off on the process. Any container is half-filled with water and root is added, which will accelerate the formation of roots. Then the stalk is placed so that it does not drown and the container itself with the appendix is ​​put in the place where the sun's rays will not fall. After 2-3 weeks, the stalk will take root and it will be possible to plant it in permanent soil.
  2. Rooting in the soil. For this method, they take a pot that needs to be washed well, disinfected, if the pot has just been left from the store, then it is better to soak it for some time in boiling water. Then, a drainage of sand and shards is poured into the tank at a level of 8 cm and half of the volume of impurities is poured from sand and ordinary earth in a ratio of 1: 1. They make a deepening in the soil, lower the cuttings, fill the soil, not reaching the edge of 2 cm and in no case tamp.

Seed propagation

Money tree provides for propagation by seeds, but this method is used extremely rarely, only by agronomists, to get a new type of fat girl or its hybrid. This is due to both the long period and the considerable amount of time that the future plant needs at home.

Reproduction of seeds is carried out as follows:

  • the pots are washed, disinfected and mixed with clean soil and sand (1: 0.5 ratio) and fill the tank;
  • small seeds are scattered over the surface, covered with sand, watered and covered with glass to create the necessary microclimate in which high humidity will prevail;
  • every day seed pots are aired;
  • check the soil, it must be moistened, and not completely filled with water;
  • 2-3 weeks after the seedlings sprout prepare them for transplantation, for this, use a mixture of substrate turf, leafy soil and sand in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 0.5;
  • transplanted seedlings are left in a bright place, but without strong exposure to the sun;
  • if the seedlings have grown to 7 cm, they should be transplanted into a small pot 6 cm high with light soil and left for the period of adaptation in a room with a temperature from 15 to 18 ° C.

Leaf propagation

Reproduction by leaves follows the same principle as cuttings:

  • the developed leaf is carefully separated from the mother tree and left in a dark place for 24 hours;
  • in a small glass with water and root, lower the sheet by half a centimeter and transfer it to a warm bright place where direct sunlight will not pass;
  • after the appearance of the roots, the leaf must be planted in a small pot so that the root system continues to develop, and after six months it is planted in a pot in a permanent place.

You can root the leaf in the soil, for this:

  • pour peat mixed with sand into a bowl, you can take wet moss, use a solution of water and root to moisten;
  • the leaf is added dropwise by 1/3 and covered with a glass for the conditions of the greenhouse environment;
  • several times a day, it is important to ventilate the leaf and pollinate with warm water when dry;
  • as the leaf grows, they provide support and, after three years, are planted in a larger pot.

Thus, reproduction of the money tree is best done with cuttings or leaves, but seed propagation is not so practical at home.

Diseases and Pests

Many gardeners love the money tree because it does not threaten any disease and pests. The thing is that the fat woman, namely in its leaves, is arsenic and a strong plant can cope with any pests by itself.

And all the ailments that can cause the death of a plant are due to the fact that care for it at home was not carried out properly.

  1. Irregularities in the watering schedule can cause the appearance of various rot.
  2. Overheating during dormancy or excessive watering leads to leaf fall.
  3. Shriveled leaves appear due to lack of light or because the roots are dry.
  4. Light spots on the leaves are the appearance of burns from the strong influence of the sun.
  5. With improper care, aphids, spider mites, scabies or mealybugs may appear. In this case, the plant requires treatment with insecticides or acaricides.

How to plant a money tree to make a profit?

Many flower growers believe that if you plant a money tree and conduct proper care at home from the point of view of Chinese philosophy, then a fat woman will help increase income. But it is immediately worth noting that such a plant does not emit any monetary energy, but only is its vehicle.

Therefore, you should not spend your own money on a plant, but it’s better to steal the process from those people who are in abundance and plant it on the growing moon and better on Wednesday. In order not to share your success with anyone else, one must not allow others to touch the appendix.

When planting the cuttings on gravel, you need to put a couple of coins of the same denomination so that the emblem looks up, and you need to say a conspiracy on each coin: “Let the tree grow in the house, It will bring me a lot of money. I’ll hide a coin in a damp earth, I’ll bring a large salary to the house. Rich people will give bounties, In the money I do not feel any more care. Let it be so commanded! Yes, three times done! Locked with a key! Amen. Amen. Amen".

For watering, you need to use water, which for three days insisted on gold or silver. Each time during watering, you can also read a conspiracy: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Amen."

You can take coins made of iron, but they are not as strong as other gems. But jewelry cannot be used, as they carry the energy of the owner, which is not always positive.

To increase the flow of monetary energy for planting, it is better to take pots of red, green or golden colors. You can take a ribbon of one of these shades and tie it on a tree. Under the pot with the plant, you can put a red napkin, and already under the napkin hide a coin.

You can arrange dragon figurines around an adult plant, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, they will protect the material welfare of the owner, protect against evil intentions of ill-wishers and the evil eye. But the figurine of an owl will help to overcome wastefulness.

You can also put candles and Chinese lanterns near the fat girl, but what should be avoided are various sources of water.

So a money tree cannot be placed next to decorative fountains or landscapes with the image of water bodies. You can not put next to a fat girl and with cacti, thorns of the plant will not allow cash flows to pass.

In order for the money tree to bring stability in money, it is important to choose the right place for it. So the southeastern side of the house is responsible for monetary income, therefore, in this part of the room is the place for the fat woman. But if a corridor or bathroom is located in this part of the house, the plant needs to be put there where the most light enters.

Money tree reveals its magical properties, if caring for it at home is carried out with great pleasure. Only in loving hands does the fat woman bloom, which portends a big profit. You need to talk to the plant and carefully treat the leaves so that they are not covered with dust. Only one owner should take care of the money tree, as the fat girl has a good memory and she can establish contact with only one owner.

Growing a healing and beautiful money tree with your own hands will not be difficult. Such a plant, with proper care, will not only bring success in money matters, but also create comfort in the house and will delight you with its splendor for many years.

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